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Table of Contents
Dark-h2 production ecological mechanisms by the mixed microbial community
Pretreatment to increase hydrogen forming bacteria (hfb) physiological differences between h2-producing bacteria and h2-uptaking bacteria
Kinetics and dynamics of h2 production
Effect of temperature on fermentative h2 production
Energy production of h2 in dark anaerobic fermentation
Hydrogen production from bio-waste biomass as food for microorganisms
Design criteria and scale-up procedure for h2 production
Valorization of end-liquid products of h2 fermentation
The technology of bioh2 plus bioch4
Sustainability of the bioh2 plus bioch4 process. .
Pretreatment to increase hydrogen forming bacteria (hfb) physiological differences between h2-producing bacteria and h2-uptaking bacteria
Kinetics and dynamics of h2 production
Effect of temperature on fermentative h2 production
Energy production of h2 in dark anaerobic fermentation
Hydrogen production from bio-waste biomass as food for microorganisms
Design criteria and scale-up procedure for h2 production
Valorization of end-liquid products of h2 fermentation
The technology of bioh2 plus bioch4
Sustainability of the bioh2 plus bioch4 process. .