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Workshop Organization
Computer Aided Diagnosis and Intervention
Detection of Sclerotic Spine Metastases via Random Aggregation of Deep Convolutional Neural Network Classifications, by Holger Roth, Jianhua Yao, Le, James Stieger, Joseph Burns, Ronald Summers
Stacked auto-encoders for classification of 3D spine models in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis, by William Thong, Hubert Labelle, Jesse Shen, Stefan Parent, Samuel Kadoury
An Active Optical Flow Model for Dose Prediction in Spinal SBRT Plans, by Jianfei Liu, Jackie Wu, FangFang Yin, John Kirkpatrick, Alvin Cabrera, Yaorong Ge
Portable optically tracked ultrasound system for scoliosis measurement, by Guillermo Carbajal, Álvaro Gómez, Gabor Fichtinger, Tamas Ungi
Spine Segmentation
Atlas-Based Registration for Accurate Segmentation of Thoracic and Lumbar Vertebrae in CT Data, by Daniel Forsberg
Segmentation of Lumbar Vertebrae Slices from CT Images, by Hugo Hutt, Richard Everson, Judith Meakin
Interpolation-Based Detection of Lumbar Vertebrae in CT Spine Images, by Bulat Ibragimov, Robert Korez, Bostjan Likar, Franjo Pernus, Tomaz Vrtovec
An Improved Shape-Constrained Deformable Model for Segmentation of Vertebrae from CT Lumbar Spine Images, by Robert Korez, Bulat Ibragimov, Bostjan Likar, Franjo Pernus, Tomaz Vrtovec
Detailed Vertebral Segmentation using Part-Based Decomposition and Conditional Shape Models, by Marco Pereañez, Karim Lekadir, Corné Hoogendoorn, Isaac Castro Mateos, Alejandro Frangi
MR Image Processing
Automatic Segmentation of the Spinal Cord using Continuous Max Flow with Cross-sectional Similarity Prior and Tubularity Features, by Simon Pezold, Ketut Fundana, Michael Amann, Michaela Andelova, Armanda Pfister, Till Sprenger, Philippe Cattin
Automated Radiological Measurement of Spinal MRI, by Meelis Lootus, Timor Kadir, Andrew Zisserman
Automated 3D Lumbar Intervertebral Disc Segmentation from MRI Images, by Xiao Dong, Guoyan Zheng
Minimally Supervised Segmentation and Meshing of 3D Intervertebral Discs of the Lumbar Spine for Discectomy Simulation, by Rabia Haq, Rifat Aras, Roderick Borgie, David Besachio, Michel Audette
Localisation of Vertebrae on DXA Images using Constrained Local Models with Random Forest Regression Voting, by Paul Bromiley, Judith Adams, Tim Cootes
Bone Profiles: Simple, Fast, and Reliable Spine Localization in CT Scans, by Jiri Hladuvka, David Major, Katja Bühler
Area- and Angle-preserving Parametrization for Vertebra Surface Mesh, by Shoko Miyauchi, Ken'ichi Morooka, Tokuo Tsuji, Yasushi Miyagi, Takaichi Fukuda, Ryo Kurazame
Contour models for descriptive patient-specific neuro-anatomical modeling: towards a digital brainstem atlas, by Nirmal Patel, Sharmin Sultana, Michel Audette
Segmentation Challenge
Atlas-Based Segmentation of the Thoracic and Lumbar Vertebrae, by Daniel Forsberg
Lumbar and thoracic spine segmentation using a statistical multi-object shape+pose model, by Alexander Seitel, Abtin Rasoulian, Robert Rohling, Purang Abolmaesumi
Vertebrae Segmentation in 3D CT Images based on a Variational Framework, by Kerstin Hammernik, Thomas Ebner, Darko Stern, Martin Urschler, Thomas Pock
Interpolation-Based Shape-Constrained Deformable Model Approach for Segmentation of Vertebrae from CT Spine Images, by Robert Korez, Bulat Ibragimov, Bostjan Likar, Franjo, Tomaz Vrtovec
3D Vertebra segmentation by feature selection Active Shape Model, by Isaac Castro Mateos, Jose Pozo Soler, Alejandro Frangi
Report of Vertebra Segmentation Challenge in 2014 MICCAI Workshop on Computational Spine Imaging, by Jianhua Yao, Shuo Li.

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