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First Invited talk
Computing Discrete Logarithms in F36{u2022}137 and F36{u2022}163 using Magma
Finite Field Arithmetic
Accelerating Iterative SpMV for the Discrete Logarithm Problem using GPUs
Finding Optimal Chudnovsky-Chudnovsky Multiplication Algorithms
Reducing the Complexity of Normal Basis Multiplication
Second Invited talk
Open Questions on Nonlinearity and on APN functions
Boolean and Vectorial Functions
Some Results on Difference Balanced Functions
Affine Equivalency and Nonlinearity Preserving Bijective Mappings over F2
On Verification of Restricted Extended Affine Equivalence of Vectorial Boolean Functions
On o-Equivalence of Niho Bent Functions
Third Invited Talk
L-polynomials of the curve yqn{u2212} y = xqh+1{u2212} _ over Fqm
Coding Theory and Code-based Cryptography
Efficient Software Implementations of Code-based Hash Functions
Quadratic residue codes over Fp + vFp + v2F.p.

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