Linked e-resources


City Labs
FlowSampler: Visual Analysis of Urban Flows in Geolocated Social Media Data
Policing Engagement via Social Media
Digital Social Media to Enhance the Public Realm in Historic Cities
Privacy Preserving Energy Management
DaTactic, Data with Tactics: Description and Evaluation of a New Format of Online Campaigning for NGOs
Online Communication in Apartment Buildings
Experiments for a Real Time Crowdsourced Urban Design
How Can City Labs Enhance the Citizens? Motivation in Different Types of Innovation Activities?
Criminal Network Analysis and Mining (CRIMENET 2014)
Understanding Crime Networks: Actors and Links
The (not so) Critical Nodes of Criminal Networks
A Literature-Based Approach to a Narco-Network
The Spatial Structure of Crime in Urban Environments
Emergence of Extreme Opinions in Social Networks
Using Societal Impact Assessment (SIA) to Improve Technological Development in the Field of Crime Prevention
What?s in a Dyad? Interaction and Exchange in Social Media
Triad-Based Role Discovery for Large Social Systems
A Tool-Based Methodology to Analyze Social Network Interactions in Cultural Fields: The Use Case ??MuseumWeek??
Detecting Presence of Personal Events in Twitter Streams
Digital Addiction Ontology for Social Networking Systems
EGG 2014: Exploration on Games and Gamers
Initial Exploration of the Use of Specific Tangible Widgets for Tablet Games
Generosity as Social Contagion in Virtual Community
Developing Game-Structure Sensitive Matchmaking System for Massive-Multiplayer Online Games
Linguistic Analysis of Toxic Behavior in an Online Video Game. -Informal In-Game Help Practices in Massive Multiplayer Online Games
Social Network Analysis of High-Level Players in Multiplayer Online Battle Arena Game
The 2nd HistoInformatics Workshop
Learning to Identify Historical Figures for Timeline Creation from Wikipedia Articles
Mapping the Early Modern News Flow: An Enquiry by Robust Text Reuse Detection
Linking Historical Ship Records to a Newspaper Archive
Digital Chronofiles of Life Experience
Mapping Memory Landscapes in nodegoat
Mining Ministers (1572?1815). Using Semi-structured Data for Historical Research
New European Integration History
The EHRI Project
Virtual Collections Revisited
Developing Onomastic Gazetteers and Prosopographies for the Ancient World Through Named Entity Recognition and Graph Visualization: Some Examples from Trismegistos People
Can Network Analysis Reveal Importance? Degree Centrality and Leaders in the EU Integration Process
Socio-Economic Dynamics: Networks and Agent-Based Models
Reconstructing Topological Properties of Complex Networks Using the Fitness Model
The Structure of Global Inter-firm Networks
Generalized Friendship Paradox: An Analytical Approach
Collective Intelligence-Based Sequential Pattern Mining Approach for Marketing Data
Workshop on Social Influence ? SI 2014
Naming Game Dynamics on Pairs of Connected Networks with Competing Opinions
Threshold of Herd Effect for Online Events in China
Identifying Bridges for Information Spread Control in Social Networks
Think Before RT: An Experimental Study of Abusing Twitter Trends
SoHuman 2014 ? 3rd International Workshop on Social Media in Crowdsourcing and Human Computation
CrowdMonitor: Monitoring Physical and Digital Activities of Citizens During Emergencies
Crowd Work CV: Recognition for Micro Work
Means and Roles of Crowdsourcing Vis-À-Vis CrowdFunding for the Creation of Stakeholders Collective Benefits
On Utilizing Player Models to Predict Behavior in Crowdsourcing Tasks. -Comparing Human and Algorithm Performance on Estimating Word-Based Semantic Similarity
Mobile Picture Guess: A Crowdsourced Serious Game for Simulating Human Perception
histoGraph as a Demonstrator for Domain Specific Challenges to Crowd-Sourcing.

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