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Encoding Data Structures
Fast Algorithms for Constrained Graph Density Problems
The Directed Ring Loading with Penalty Cost
Edge-Colorings of Weighted Graphs (Extended Abstract)
Unit Covering in Color-Spanning Set Model
Compact Encodings and Indexes for the Nearest Larger Neighbor Problem
A Practical Succinct Data Structure for Tree-Like Graphs
Forming Plurality at Minimum Cost
Approximate Distance Oracle in O(n2) Time and O(n) Space for Chordal Graphs
Straight-Path Queries in Trajectory Data
Folding a Paper Strip to Minimize Thickness
An Almost Optimal Algorithm for Voronoi Diagrams of Non-disjoint Line Segments (Extended Abstract)
PTAS?s for Some Metric p-source Communication Spanning Tree Problems
Fault-Tolerant Gathering of Asynchronous Oblivious Mobile Robots under One-Axis Agreement
Enumerating Eulerian Trails via Hamiltonian Path Enumeration
The Impact of Communication Patterns on Distributed Self-Adjusting Binary Search Trees
An Efficient Silent Self-Stabilizing Algorithm for 1-Maximal Matching in Anonymous Networks
Dynamic Online Multiselection in Internal and External Memory
Competitive Analysis for Multi-objective Online Algorithms
Simultaneous Drawing of Planar Graphs with Right-Angle Crossings and Few Bends
An Improved Algorithm for Parameterized Edge Dominating Set Problem
On Bar (1, j)-Visibility Graphs (Extended Abstract)
Simultaneous Time-Space Upper Bounds for Red-Blue Path Problem in Planar DAGs
Non-repetitive Strings over Alphabet Lists
Dichotomy Theorems for Homomorphism Polynomials of Graph Classes
Common Unfolding of Regular Tetrahedron and Johnson-Zalgaller Solid
Threshold Circuits for Global Patterns in 2-Dimensional Maps
Superset Generation on Decision Diagrams
On Triangle Cover Contact Graphs
Logspace and FPT Algorithms for Graph Isomorphism for Subclasses of Bounded Tree-Width Graphs.

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