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Part I Mini-Courses: C. Bernardin: Diffusion of energy in chains of oscillators with conservative noise
V. Giovangigli: Dissipative reactive fluid models from the kinetic theory
Part II Short Papers: D. Bessam: Large deviations in a Gaussian setting: the role of the Cameron-Martin space
F. Carvalho, J.K. Polewczak and A.J. Soares: Kinetic theory of simple reacting spheres: an application to coloring processes
W. De Roeck and F. Huveneers: Can translation invariant systems exhibit a many-body localized phase?
P. Duarte and M.J. Torres: Stability of non-deterministic systems
P. Goncalves: Derivation of the Stochastic Burgers equation from the WASEP
E. Luçon: Large population asymptotics for interacting diffusions in a quenched random environment
D. Madjarevic: Shock structure and temperature overshoot in macroscopic multi-temperature model of binary mixtures
A. Nota: Diffusive limit for the random Lorentz gas.-M.J. Oliveira and R.V. Mendes: Fractional Boson gas and fractional Poisson measure in infinite dimensions
M.P. Ramos, A.J. Soares: Dynamical properties of a cosmological model with diffusion
S. Simic: The structure of shock waves in dissipative hyperbolic models
M. Simon: Diffusion coefficient for the disordered harmonic chain perturbed by an energy conserving noise
G.M. Schütz: Conditioned stochastic particle systems and integrable quantum spin systems.

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