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Perspectives on Growth, Trade, and Social Agenda Expenditures in the Eurozone During the Rest of this Decade, with and without the EU-US Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)
Can Trade Become Again an Engine of Growth for Europe and the World?
Trade Margins and Exchange Rate Regimes: New Evidence from a Panel VARX Model
Rebalancing and the Euro
What Kind of Financial Integration Under Banking Union?
Structural Reforms in the Eurozone: A Case of Self-Defeating Expectations?
Transatlantic Austerity 2010-13: A Comparative Assessment
What Went Wrong with Western Europe? An Essay on the Causes of its Economic Decline and on Possible Remedies
Revitalising Europe?s Economy: Towards Growth
The Corporatist Antagonism to Economic Dynamism
Growing-By-Unleashing Grassroots Entrepreneurship and Alibaba Innovations
The Evolution of European Energy and Climate Policies: The View of a Market Player
Towards a Fair and Rigorous International Emissions Trading System: A Blueprint for Success
Corruption of the Institutional System: Remedies
Governance, Moral and Economic Values.

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