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1. Introduction
2. Sand and gravel on the move: Human impacts on bed-material load along the lower Rhine River
3. Channel responses to global change and local impacts: perspectives and tools for floodplain management
4. Impact scales of fluvial response to management along the Sacramento River, California, USA: Transience versus persistence
5. Flooding, structural flood control measures, and a geomorphic context for the flood problem along the Red River, Manitoba, Canada
6. Flooding, structural flood control measures, and a geomorphic context for the flood problem along the Red River, Manitoba, Canada
7. Geomorphic Perspectives of Managing, Modifying and Restoring a River with Prolonged Flooding: Kissimmee River, Florida, USA
8. Managing the Mississippi River Floodplain: Achieving ecological benefits requires more than hydrological connection to the river
9. The role of floodplain restoration in mitigating flood risk, Lower Missouri River, USA.- 10. Post-dam channel and floodplain adjustment to the Lower Volga River, Russia
11. Embanking the Lower Danube: from natural to engineered floodplains and back
12. Historical Development and Integrated Management of the Rhône River Floodplain, from the Alps to the Camargue Delta, France
13. The Role of Floodplain Geomorphology in Policy and Management Decisions along the Lower Mississippi River in Louisiana
14. The palimpsest of river-floodplain management and the role of geomorphology.

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