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Foreword 1; Foreword 2; Preface; Contents; 1 Introduction; 1.1 Hydraulic Projects and Hydraulic Structures; 1.1.1 Types of Hydraulic Structures; 1.1.2 Layout of Hydraulic Projects; 1.1.3 Classification of Hydraulic Projects and Their Design Safety Standards; 1.2 History of Hydraulic Engineering; 1.2.1 3000 BC
300 AD; 1.2.2 300 AD
1800 AD; 1.2.3 1800 AD
1940 AD; 1.2.4 1940
End of Twentieth Century; 1.3 Water Resources and Hydropower Resources in China; 1.4 Hydraulic Engineering in China; References; 2 Planning and Design of Hydraulic Projects; 2.1 Purposes of Hydraulic Projects

2.1.1 Flood Control2.1.2 Irrigation; 2.1.3 Power Generation; 2.1.4 Navigation; 2.1.5 Domestic and Municipal Purposes; 2.1.6 Environment Protection; 2.1.7 Recreation and Other Purposes; 2.2 Planning for Hydraulic Projects; 2.2.1 Tasks and Requirements of Planning; 2.2.2 Principles of Planning; 2.2.3 State of the Art and Trends in the Planning; 2.3 Ecology and Environment Protection; 2.3.1 Ecological and Environmental Issues in Hydraulic Projects; 2.3.2 Environmental Protection Design for Hydraulic Projects; 2.3.3 Environmental Impact Monitoring and Reviewing for Hydraulic Projects

2.4 Engineering Hydrology2.4.1 Engineering Hydrologic Issues in Hydraulic Projects; 2.4.2 Collection of Hydrologic Messages and Data; 2.4.3 Hydrologic Computation; 2.5 Engineering Geology; 2.5.1 Engineering Geologic Issues in Hydraulic Projects; 2.5.2 Geologic Mapping; 2.5.3 Geologic Exploration and Investigation; 2.5.4 Regional Tectonic Stability and Earthquake Hazard; 2.6 Location and Exploration for the Sources of Construction Materials; 2.6.1 Tasks of Construction Material Investigation; 2.6.2 Requirements in Planning Phase; 2.6.3 Requirements in Preliminary Phase

2.6.4 Requirements in Feasibility Phase2.7 Economy Evaluation; 2.7.1 Tasks of Economy Evaluation; 2.7.2 National Economy Evaluation; 2.7.3 Financial Evaluation; 2.7.4 Integrated Economy Evaluation; 2.8 Phases of Investigation and Design of Hydraulic Projects; 2.8.1 Phases of Investigation and Design for Water Resources Projects; 2.8.2 Phases of Investigation and Design for Hydropower Projects; 2.9 Preparation and Compilation of Design Reports; 2.9.1 General Requirements; 2.9.2 Contents and Outlines
Specifically for Feasibility Report; References; 3 Study on Material Properties; 3.1 General

3.2 Rock3.2.1 Basic Physical and Mechanical Properties of Intact Rock; 3.2.2 Basic Physical and Mechanical Properties of Discontinuity; 3.2.3 Basic Physical and Mechanical Properties of Rock Mass; 3.2.4 Parameter Back Analysis; 3.3 Soil; 3.3.1 Particle Size and Composition; 3.3.2 Soil Classification and General Characteristics; 3.3.3 Density of Soil; 3.3.4 Permeability of Soil; 3.3.5 Deformation and Strength of Soil; 3.3.6 Compaction Characteristics of Soil; 3.4 Concrete; 3.4.1 Deformation and Strength of Concrete; 3.4.2 Density of Concrete; 3.4.3 Permeability of Concrete

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