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Controlling the morphology of filamentous eukaryotic and Prokaryotic microorganisms
Fungal morphology in industrial enzyme production-modelling and monitoring
Hydrodynamics, fungal physiology and morphology
The cell factory aspergillus enters the big data era: opportunities and challenges for optimizing product formation
Bioprocess engineering aspects of the cultivation of a lovastatin-producer aspergillus terreus
Modeling the growth of filamentous fungi at the particle scale in solid-state fermentation systems
Better one-eyed than blind
Challenges and opportunities of biomass measurement during solid-state fermentation of basidiomycetes
Ramified challenges: monitoring and modeling of hairy root growth in bioprocesses-a review
Using hairy roots for production of valuable plant secondary metabolites
Rheology of Lignocellulose Suspensions and Impact of Hydrolysis: A review.

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