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Computers and the Mechanics of Communication. Outline of a Vision from the Work of Petri and Holt
Error and predicativity
Is Human Mind Fully Algorithmic? Remarks on Kurt Godel's Incompleteness Theorems
A New Approach to the Paperfolding Sequences
Covering the Recursive Sets
On Distributed Monitoring and Synthesis
Newton's Forward Difference Equation for Functions from Words to Words
Degrees of unsolvability: a tutorial
Universality in Molecular and Cellular Computing
Some results on interactive proofs for real computations
Prime Model with No Degree of Autostability Relative to Strong Constructivizations
Immune Systems in Computer Virology
ITRM-Recognizability from Random Oracles
Systems with Parallel Rewriting for Chain Code Picture Languages
Base-Complexity Classifications of QCB0-Spaces (Extended Abstract)
Maximal Vector Spaces form an Automorphism Basis
New Bounds on Optimal Sorting Networks
Nonexistence of Minimal Pairs in L[d]
Intuitionistic Provability versus Uniform Provability in RCA
Randomness and Differentiability of Convex Functions
Weighted automata on infinite words in the context of Attacker-Defender games
Turing jumps through provability
Rice's Theorem in Effectively Enumerable Topological Spaces
Decidability of Termination Problems for Sequential P Systems with Active Membranes
Weihrauch degrees of finding equilibria in sequential games
Prefix and Right-Partial Derivative Automata
A Note on the Computable Categoricity of l^p Spaces
n the Computational Content of Termination Proofs
Local compactness for computable Polish metric spaces is $\Pi^1_1$-complete
Iterative forcing and hyperimmunity in reverse mathematics
Completely regular Bishop spaces
Computing Equality-Free String Factorisations
Towards the Effective Descriptive Set Theory
On Computability of Navier-Stokes' Equation
Undecidability as a Consequence of Incompleteness
How to compare Buchholz-style ordinal notation systems with Gordeev-style notation systems.

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