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Propositional Proofs in Frege and Extended Frege Systems
Circuit Complexity Meets Ontology-Based Data Access
NEXP-Completeness and Universal Hardness Results for Justification Logic
A Combinatorial Algorithm for the Planar Multi flow Problem with Demands Located on Three Holes
Generalized LR Parsing for Grammars with Contexts
On Compiling Structured CNFs to OBDDs
Satisfiability of ECTL* with Tree Constraints
On Growth and Fluctuation of k-Abelian Complexity
A Polynomial-Time Algorithm for Outerplanar Diameter Improvement
Editing to a Planar Graph of Given Degrees
On the Satisfiability of Quantum Circuits of Small Treewidth
Equations over Free Inverse Monoids with Idempotent Variables
A Logical Characterization of Timed Pushdown Languages
An In-place Priority Queue with O(1) Time for Push and lg n + O(1) Comparisons for Pop
Resolution Complexity of Perfect Matching Principles for Sparse Graphs
Operations on Self-verifying Finite Automata
Automath Type Inclusion in Barendregt's Cube
Circuit Lower Bounds for Average-Case MA
Making Randomness Public in Unbounded-Round Information Complexity
First-Order Logic Definability of Free Languages
Representation of (Left) Ideal Regular Languages by Synchronizing Automata
Some Properties of Antistochastic Strings
Approximation and Exact Algorithms for Special Cases of Connected f-Factors
Rewriting Higher-Order Stack Trees
Interacting with Modal Logics in the Coq Proof Assistant
Delay Games with WMSOþU Winning Conditions
Asymptotically Precise Ranking Functions for Deterministic Size-Change Systems.

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