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Modeling Language Design for Complex Systems Simulation
Formalization of Mathematics for Fun and Profit
From Residuated Lattices via GBI-algebras to BAOs
Towards a Nominal Chomsky Hierarchy
Multi-Linear Algebraic Semantics for Natural Language
Categories of Games
Learning in the limit, general topology, and modal logic
The Word Problem for Finitely Presented Quandles is Undecidable
Intuitionistic Ancestral Logic as a Dependently Typed Abstract Programming Language
On Topologically Relevant Fragments of the Logic of Linear Flows of Time
An Equation-Based Classical Logic
Cyclic multiplicative proof nets of linear logic with an application to language parsing
A Dichotomy Result for Ramsey Quantifiers
Parametric Polymorphism { Universally
On the weak index problem for game automata
Proof-theoretic aspects of the Lambek-Grishin Calculus
Syllogistic Logic with "Most"
Characterizing Frame Definability in Team Semantics via The Universal Modality
An Epistemic Separation Logic
Equational properties of stratified least fixed points
The p-adic integers as final coalgebra.

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