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PowerOnt: An Ontology-based Approach for Power Consumption Estimation in Smart Homes
A Learning Approach for Energy Efficiency Optimization by Occupancy Detection
Intelligent Multi-platform Middleware for Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks
Sense-Deliberate-Act Cognitive Agents for Sense-Compute-Control Applications in the Internet of Things & Services
A novel Term-Term similarity score based information foraging assessment
A Cloud-Based Bayesian Smart Agent Architecture for Internet-of-Things Applications
Design and Implementation of IoT-based Intelligent Condition Management System for the Industrial Facilities
A Cognitive Approach to Affordance Learning in Robotic Ecologies
Resource Constrained Devices
A Reputation-based Distributed District Scheduling Algorithm for Smart Grids
Eliciting Affordances for Smart Objects in IoT Era
The Role of Affordance in Cyber-Physical Systems for Behavioral Change
Cognitive Load Detection on Commercial EEG Devices: An Optimized Signal Processing Chain
From Language to Action: Extraction and Disambiguation of Affordances in ModelAct
Understanding Stroke Patients' Motivation for Motivation-driven Rehabilitative Game Design
A Game-Based Solution for In-Home Rehabilitation
Evaluation of Pervasive Games: Recruitment of Qualified Participants through Preparatory Game Phases
Internet of Things based Multiplayer Pervasive Games: An architectural analysis 20 PacMap: Transferring PacMan to the Physical Realm
Exergames for Elderly in Ambient Assisted Living Environments
Determinants for performance and technology Acceptance
IoT Meets Caregivers: a Healthcare Support System in Assisted Living Facilities
Development of a Remote Monitoring System for Respiratory Analysis
HeartSense: Estimating Heart Rate from Smartphone Photoplethysmogram using Adaptive Filter and Interpolation
A Trustworthy Mobile Solution for Healthcare based on Internet of Things
Security and Privacy Issues in Wireless Sensor Networks for Healthcare
Multilingual Voice Control for Endoscopic Procedures
Recognition of Low Amplitude Body Vibrations via Inertial Sensors for Wearable Computing
Preventing health emergencies in an unobtrusive way
Web-Enabled Intelligent Gateways for eHealth.

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