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Survey on Compressed Sensing
Temporal compressive sensing for video
Compressed Sensing, Sparse Inversion, and Model Mismatch
Recovering Structured Signals in Noise: Least-Squares Meets Compressed Sensing
The Quest for Optimal Sampling: Computationally Efficient, Structure-exploiting Measurements for Compressed Sensing
Compressive Sensing in Acoustic Imaging
Quantization and Compressive Sensing
Compressive Gaussian Mixture Estimation
Two Algorithms for Compressed Sensing of Sparse Tensors
Sparse Model Uncertainties in Compressed Sensing with Application to Convolutions and Sporadic Communication
Cosparsity in Compressed Sensing
Structured Sparsity: Discrete and Convex Approaches
Explicit Matrices with the Restricted Isometry Property: Breaking the Square-Root Bottleneck
Tensor Completion in Hierarchical Tensor Representations
Compressive Classification: Where Wireless Communications Meets Machine Learning.

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