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Data Integration Technologies
Combining Multiple Knowledge Sources: A Case Study of Drug Induced Liver Injury
Vidal, Elena Zotkina, and Louiqa Raschid GEM: The GAAIN Entity Mapper
Data Integration in the Human Brain Project
SchizConnect: Virtual Data Integration in Neuroimaging
Ontology and Knowledge Engineering for Data Integration Annotating Medical Forms Using UMLS
OnSim: A Similarity Measure for Determining Relatedness Between Ontology Terms
AnnEvol: An Evolutionary Framework to Description Ontology-Based Annotations
Terminology Development Towards Harmonizing Multiple Clinical Neuroimaging Research Repositories
Creating Biomedical Ontologies Using mOntage
Creation of Definitions for Ontologies: A Case Study in the Leukemia Domain
Biomedical Data Standards and Coding Integration of Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation Outcomes Data: Data Standards Are Not Enough
ICD Code Retrieval: Novel Approach for Assisted Disease Classification
Medical Research Applications
Integration of Multimodal Neuroimaging and Electroencephalography for the Study of Acute Epileptiform Activity After Traumatic Brain Injury
SVI: A Simple Single-Nucleotide Human Variant Interpretation Tool for Clinical Use
Quality Control Considerations for the Effective Integration of Neuroimaging Data
Integration of Behavioral, Structural, Functional, and Genetic Data for the Study of Autism Spectrum Disorders
Reverse Engineering Measures of Clinical Care Quality: Sequential Pattern Mining
Inference and Verification of Probabilistic Graphical Models from High-Dimensional Data
SPIRIT-ML: A Machine Learning Platform for Deriving Knowledge from Biomedical Datasets
Demonstration: Mining Sentence and Annotation Evidence for a Cross Genome Study of the Plant Hormone Ethylene
Graduate Student Consortium
GAAIN Virtual Appliances: Virtual Machine Technology for Scientific Data Analysis
The GAAIN Entity Mapper: Towards Practical Medical Informatics Application
Efficient Management of Cached Data in the Global Alzheimer's Association Interactive Network
Domain Specific Document Retrieval Framework for Real-Time Social Health Data.

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