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Authentication in Constrained Settings
Optimizing the Placement of Tap Positions
Families of Pseudorandom Binary Sequences with Low Cross-Correlation Measure
Algebraic Attacks Using Binary Decision Diagrams
Universally Composable Firewall Architectures Using Trusted Hardware
Higher-Order Glitch Resistant Implementation of the PRESENT S-Box
An Elliptic Curve Cryptographic Processor Using Edwards Curves and the Number Theoretic Transform
Preventing Scaling of Successful Attacks: A Cross-Layer Security Architecture for Resource-Constrained Platforms
A Secure and Efficient Protocol for Electronic Treasury Auctions
Anonymous Data Collection System with Mediators
A Multi-Party Protocol for Privacy-Preserving Cooperative Linear Systems of Equations
Key-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption for Boolean Circuits from Bilinear Maps
On the Anonymization of Cocks IBE Scheme
Nearest Planes in Practice
Timed-Release Secret Sharing Schemes with Information Theoretic Security
A Signature Scheme for a Dynamic Coalition Defence Environment Without Trusted Third Parties.

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