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1 Corruption, Inequality and Income Taxation: E. Accinelli et al
2 Discrete Symmetric Planar Dynamics: B. Alarcón et al
3 Decision Analysis in a Model of Sports Pricing Under Uncertain Demand: A.A. Álvarez-López et al
4 Growth Diagrams and Non-Symmetric Cauchy Identities on NW (SE) Near Staircases: O. Azenhas et al
5 Clustering Techniques Applied on Cross-Sectional Unemployment Data: C. Balsa et al
6 A Note on the Dynamics of Linear Automorphisms of a Convolution Measure Algebra: A. Baraviera et al
7 Periodic Homogenization of Deterministic Control Problems via Limit Occupational Measures: M. Bardi et al
8 On Gradient like Properties of Population Games, Learning Models and Self Reinforced Processes: M. Benaim
9 Wave Interaction with Floating Bodies in a Stratified Multilayer Fluid: F.S. Cal et al
10 Shannon Switching Game and Directed Variants: A.P. Cláudio et al
11 A Proposal to Measure the Functional Efficiency of Futures Markets: M. Consuegra et al
12 On the Fundamental Bifurcation Theorem for Semelparous Leslie Models: J.M. Cushing
13 Review on Non-Perturbative Reducibility of Quasi-Periodically Forced Linear Flows with two Frequencies: J. Lopes Dias
14 Collateral Versus Default History: M. Faias et al
15 Regularity for Mean-Field Games Systems with Initial-Initial Boundary Conditions: the Subquadratic Case: D.A. Gomes et al
16 A Budget Setting Problem: O. Gomes
17 Dynamic Political Effects in a Neoclassic Growth Model with Healthcare and Creative Activities: L. Guimaraes et al
18 An Introduction to Geometric Gibbs Theory: Y. Jiang
19 Sphere Rolling on Sphere
Alternative Approach to Kinematics and Constructive Proof of Controllability: F. Silva Leite et al
20 The Dual Potential, the Involution Kernel and Transport in Ergodic Optimization: A. O. Lopes et al
21 Rolling Maps for the Essential Manifold: L. Machado et al
22 Singleton Free Set Partitions Avoiding a 3-Element Set: R. Mamede
23 Some Results on the Krein Parameters of an Association Scheme: V. Moco Mano et al
24 A Periodic Bivariate Integer-Valued Autoregressive Model: M. Monteiro et al
25 The Macrodynamics of Employment under Uncertainty: P.R. Mota et al
26 A State Space Model Approach for Modelling the Population Dynamics of Black Scabbardfish in Portuguese Mainland Waters: I. Natário et al
27 Entropy and Negentropy: Applications in Game Theory: E. Oliva
28 Micro-Econometric Analysis of New Household Formation in Spain: O. Montoro Peinado
29 An Adaptive Approach for Skin Lesion Segmentation in Dermoscopy Images Using a Multiscale Local Normalization: J. Pereira et al
30 Chaotic Dynamics and Synchronization of von Bertalanffy's Growth Models: J. Leonel Rocha et al
31 Three Dimensional Flows: From Hyperbolicity to Quasi-Stochasticity: A.A. P. Rodrigues
32 Dengue in Madeira Island: H.S. Rodrigues et al
33 The Number of Saturated Numerical Semi groups with a Determinate Genus: J.C. Rosales et al
34 Modern Forecasting of NOEM Models: M. Sànchez Sánchez
35 An Overview of Quantitative Continuous Compound Analysis: R. Santos et al
36 Varying the Money Supply of Commercial Banks: M. Shubik et al
37 Optimal Control of Tuberculosis: A Review: C.J. Silva et al
38 A Bayesian Modelling of Wildfires in Portugal: G.L. Silva et al
39 Minimum H-Decompositions of Graphs and its Ramsey Version
A Survey: T. Sousa.

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