

Part I. To be conscious : To teleport or not to teleport? (Parfit) : Persons and integrity: unity and continuity ; Persons as positive shapes: the boundary of the skin ; Persons characterised as social kinds ; Person s transformed: growing up and upbringing ; PErsons and place: copying background ; To be one and the same person: making more than one replica ; Persons and identity: partial duplication ; Bundle or collection theories of persons ; Collections of memories: John Dean's testimony
To be a person: ego, bundle and social theories : Negative spaces, shapes and contours : How artists use negative and positive spaces, shapes and contours ; The making of person ; Senses of self ; Social identities ; What collects us together? ; Other people: the stories of feral children ; Other people: the story of Martin Guerre ; Remembering and recollecting ; Our memories: the life of Clive Wearing
To be captive : Anthony Grey ; Brian Keenan ; Vladimir Bukovsky ; Polyphony : Brian Keenan and polyphony ; Terry Waite : Anthony Grey on polyphony
Part II. To have consciousness : Introduction ; How we treat experience ; Subjective conscious experience ; Event / experience ; Experience / experiment ; phenomenal feels / qualia ; Point of view ; One after another and one next to another (nacheinander and nebeneinander) ; Cubism / cubist psychology ; The mind-body problem
'What is it like to be a bat?' (Nagel) : 'I wouldn't be me if I were you!' ; Why did Nagel choose bats? ; Commentary on Nagel's article ; Point of view ; Subjectivity and a particular point of view ; Ways of knowing ; Wider discussion of subjective conscious experience: the bigger picture
Treatments of subjective conscious experience in the arts : Film : Being John Malkovich; Film conventions; Point of view; The return of Martin Guerre; Blade runner; The diving bell and the butterfly ; Television : The wire ; Painting : Guernica : Denote, connote and signify ; The novel : Writing conventions ; Subjectivity in written works: writerly consciousness
A captive mind : 'Turning the tables' ; Acting freely ; Memory and imagination transformed ; Private experience ; Genre of captivity and the human condition
Part III. To know consciously : Introduction : To know that you know ; To be minded ; Can a person remember their early life? ; Sense of self and proto-minds ; Becoming minded and what is know as 'theory of mind' ; The consequences of knowing that we know ; Do other animals have minds like ours? : Examples ; Gesture / symbol ; Mind-minded conversation ; Conceptual conclusions : World about us; How do I know you?
Landscape and the world about us : The landscape garden movement ; We make the landscape that landscapes us ; Landscapes wild and tamed : Example: the picturesque ; Standpoints in the arts ; Treatments and landscape ; Freedom and commitment ; Ways of viewing
'Mary, the colour scientist' (Jackson) : Variation: 'Mary the captive scientist' or 'the black and white cell' ; Example 1: Rosa Parks ; Example 2. Aung San Suu Kyi ; Example 3: Nina Simone
Knowing how it feels to be free : Commentary ; Conclusions ; Subjunctive mood
Conclusions : Captivity ; Acts of consciousness and conscience ; Minded ; Persons ; World about us ; Cubist psychology ; Last words.

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