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Magnetic fields : too dance for theater, too theater for dance / Nadine George-Graves
Split intimacies : corporeality in contemporary theater and dance / Ann Cooper Albright
Negotiating theatrics : dialogues of the working man / Anita Gonzalez
How do I touch this text? : or, the interdisciplines between dance and theater in early modern archives / VK Preston
Dance dramaturgy : definitions, perspectives, projections / Ray Miller
Some fleshy thinking : improvisation, experience, perception / Vida L. Midgelow
Fleshing out : physical theater, postmodern dance, and som[e]agency / Maiya Murphy
Dance in musical theater / Liza Gennaro and Stacy Wolf
Dance and theater : looking at television's deployment of theatricality through dance / Colleen Dunagan
Why not 'improv everywhere'? / Susan Leigh Foster
A theater of bodily presence : Pina Bausch and Tanztheater Wuppertal / Royd Climenhaga
The total theater aesthetic paradigm in African theater / Praise Zenenga
Jean Gascon's theatricalist approach to Molière and Shakespeare / Jane Baldwin
Dancing drama : ancient Greek theater in modern shoes and shows / Marianne McDonald

The post Natyam collective : innovating Indian dance and theater via Abhinaya and multimedia / Ketu H. Katrak
Persistent pagans : dancing for Dionysos in the year of years / Odai Johnson
A witch in the Morris : hobbyhorse tricks and early modern erotic transformations / Erika T. / Lin
Designed bodies : a historiographical study of costume design and Asian American theater / Esther Kim Lee
Moving American history : an examination of works by Ken Burns and Bill T. Jones / Ann Dils
From landscape to climatescape in contemporary dance-Theater : Meredith Monk, the Wooster group, and the TEAM / Amy Strahler Holzapfel
Colonial theatrics in Canada : managing Blackfoot dance during Western expansionism / Lisa Doolittle and Anne Flynn
A slip on the cables : touristic rituals and landscape performance in Yosemite National Park / Sally Ann Ness
Orientations as materializations : the love art laboratory's eco-sexual blue wedding to the sea / Michael J. Morris

Social somatics and community performance : touching presence in public / Petra Kuppers
Bodied forth : a cognitive scientific approach to performance analysis / Amy Cook
Images of love and power : Butoh, Bausch , and Streb / Sondra Horton Fraleigh
Thoughts on the discursive imagery of Robert Lepage's theater / Darcey Callison
A slender pivot : empathy, public space, and the choreographic imperative / Patrick Anderson
Conjuring magic as survival : hip-hop theater and dance / Halifu Osumare
Notorious Jeffrey-Hudson : the 'Court wonder' of the Caroline Masques (1626-1640) / Thomas Postlewait
What do women want, my God, what do they want? : mimesis, fantasy and female sexuality in Ann Liv Young's Michael / Krista K. Miranda

Dance your opera, mime your words ; (mis)translate the Chinese body on the international stage / Daphne P. Lei
El Güegüence, post-Sandinista Nicaragua, and the resistant politics of dancing / E. J. Westlake
From Soberao to stage : Afro-Puerto Rican Bomba and the speaking body / Jade Y. Power Sotomayor
Lindy hop, community, and the isolation of appropriation / William Given
Russian mass spectacle and the Bolshevik regime / Sandy Peterson
Movement choirs and the Nazi olympics / Marie C. Percy
Talchum : an embodied inquiry / J. L. Murdoch
Circus echoes : dancing the human-equine relationship under the millennial big top / Kim Marra
Capital city camp : gay carnival and capitalist display / Neal Hebert
Borrowed crowds : the living theatre's contagious revolution / Miriam Felton-Dansky
The Salome epidemic : degeneracy, disease, and race suicide / Marlis Schweitzer
Choreographing a cause : Broadway bares as philanthroproduction and embodied index to changing attitudes toward HIV/AIDS / Virginia Anderson
Dance and the plague : epidemic choreomania and Artaud / Michael Lueger.

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