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The role of courts in foreign affairs / Royce C. Lamberth
Policy options for the Obama administration : enforcement provisions of the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act as a tool against state sponsors of terrorism / Steven R. Perles and Edward B. MacAllister
Adjudicating acts of state / Chimene I. Keitner
Sovereign immunity and the International Court of Justice : the state system triumphant / Paul B. Stephan
Non-state actors and the Alien Tort Claims Act / Ralph Steinhardt
Equity, damages, and the rule of law / Baher Azmy
The act of state doctrine in recent "looted" art litigation / Allan Gerson
Foreign affairs takings : the question of foreign plaintiff standing / Douglas J. Pepe
The work of the Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of the United States / Timothy J. Feighery
Lawsuits by foreigners in the U.S. courts and in the Foreign Claims Settlement Commission / Allan I. Mendelsohn
International claims and the Foreign Claims Settlement Commission / David E. Bradley
The future of the Foreign Claims Settlement Commission rests with the modernization of its jurisprudence : the regrettable results arising from an intersection between the Foreign Claims Settlement Commission and the U.S. insurance industry : a case study / Steven R. Perles and Edward B. Macallister
The 2005 Hague Choice of Court Agreements Convention : a useful tool for the transnational litigator / David P. Stewart.

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