

Overview: Wilhelm the last, a German trauma
Part I. 1859-1888 : the tormented Prussian prince. The 'soul murder' of an heir to the throne ; Ambivalent motherhood ; A daring educational experiment ; The conflict between the Prince of Prussia and his parents ; 1888 : the year of the three Kaisers
Part II. 1888-1909 : the anachronistic autocrat. Divine right without end ; Bismarck's fall from power (1889-1890) ; The establishment of the Kaiser's personal monarchy (1890-1897) ; The Chancellor as courtier : the corrupt Bülow system (1897-1909)
Part III. 1896-1908 : the egregious expansionist. The challenge to Europe : Weltmachtpolitik and the battlefleet ; The Russo-Japanese War and the meeting of the emperors on Björkö (1904-1905) ; War in the west? The landing in Tangier and the fiasco of Algeciras (1905-1906) ; The intensification of the Anglo-German conflict
Part IV. 1906-1909 : the scandal-ridden sovereign. The Eulenburg affair (1906-1909) ; Bülow's betrayal of the Kaiser : the Daily Telegraph crisis (1908-1909) ; From Bülow to Bethmann Hollweg : the Chancellor merry-go-round (1909)
Part V. 1908-1914 : the bellicose supreme war lord. The Bosnian annexation crisis (1908-1909) ; The 'leap of the Panther' to Agadir (1911) ; The battlefleet and the growing risk of war with Britain (1911-1912) ; Doomed to failure : the Haldane Mission (1912) ; Turmoil in the Balkans and a first decision for war (November 1912) ; War postponed : the 'war council' of 8 December 1912 ; The postponed war draws nearer (1913-1914) ; The Kaiser in the July crisis of 1914
Part VI. 1914-1918 : the champion of God's Germanic cause. The Kaiser's war aims ; The impotence of the Supreme War Lord at war ; Downfall : the collapse of the Hohenzollern monarchy
Part VII. 1918-1941 : the vengeful exile. A new life in Amerongen and Doorn ; The rabid anti-Semite in exile ; The Kaiser and Hitler.

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