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Episode I : the philosophical menace. The platonic paradox of Darth Plagueis : how could a sith lord be wise? / Terrance MacMullan
You are asking me to be rational : stoic philosophy and the Jedi order / Matt Hummel
The Jedi knights of faith : Anakin, Luke, and Soren (Kierkegaard) / William A. Lindenmuth
Anakin and Achilles : scars of nihilism / Don Adams
Dark times : the end of the republic and the beginning of Chinese philosophy / Kevin S. Decker
Episode II : attack of the morals. Chasing Kevin Smith: was it immoral for the rebel alliance to destroy Death Star II? / Charles C. Camosy
The ballad of Boba Fett : mercenary agency and amoralism in war / David LaRocca
How guilty is Jar Jar Binks? / Nicolas Michaud
Know the dark side : a theodicy of the force / Jason T. Eberl
Episode III: revenge of the alliance
Like my father before me : loss and redemption of fatherhood in Star Wars / Charles Taliaferro and Annika Taylor Beck
The friends of a Jedi : friendship, family, and civic duty in a galaxy at war / Greg Littmann
Light side, dark side, and switching sides : loyalty and betrayal in Star Wars / Daniel Malloy
Guardians and tyrants in the republics of Star Wars and Plato / Adam Barkman and Kyle Alkema
Episode IV : a new hermeneutic
Pregnant Padme and slave Leia : Star Wars female role models / Cole Bowman
Docile bodies and a viscous force : fear of the flesh in return of the Jedi / Jennifer L. McMahon
Of battle droids and zillo beasts : moral status in the Star Wars galaxy / James M. Okapal
Episode V : metaphysics strikes back
Why the force must have a dark side / George A. Dunn
What is it like to be a Jedi? : a life in the force / Marek McGann
Never tell me the odds : an inquiry concerning Jedi understanding / Andrew Zimmerman Jones
Episode VI : return of the non-human
Mindless philosophers and overweight globs of grease : are droids capable of thought? / Dan Burkett
Can Chewie speak? : Wittgenstein and the philosophy of language / Rhiannon Grant and Myfanwy Reynolds
Can the zillo beast strike back? : cloning, de-extinction, and the species problem / Leonard Finkelman
Episode VII : the fandom awakens
In that time in a galaxy far, far away : epic myth-understandings and myth-appropriation in Star Wars / John Thompson
Star Wars, emotions, and the paradox of fiction / Lance Belluomini
The mind of blue snaggletooth : the intentional stance, vintage Star Wars action figures, and the origins of religion / Dennis Knepp
Gospel, gossip, and Ghent : how should we understand the new Star Wars? / Roy T. Cook and Nathan Kellen.

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