

Part I: Context, history and public policy of early childhood teacher education
1. 21st century early childhood teacher education: new frames for a shifting landscape by Rebecca S. New
2. History of early childhood teacher education by Blythe Farb Hinitz, et. al.
3. Public policy and workforce in early childhood education by W. Steven Barnett and Shannon Riley-Ayers
4. Beyond the status quo: rethinking professional development for early childhood teachers by Pamela J. Winton et. al.
5. Accreditation and patterns of licensure: achieving the potential by Marilou Hyson and Marica Cox Mitchell.

Part II: The knowledge base of early childhood teacher education
6. Preparing teachers for infant care and education by Susan L. Recchia
7. The simplicity of complexity: early childhood teacher education for pre-kindergarten / kindergarten (PRE-K/K) by Doris Pronin Fromberg
8. What's research got to do with it?: moving theory into practice in grades 1-3 by Sam Oertwig, et. al.
9. What teachers need to know about family-centered practice by Douglas R. Powell and Sara A. Schmitt
10. What teachers need to know: professional ethics by Nancy K. Freeman and Stephanie Feeney.

Part III: Models / approaches to early childhood teacher education
11. Pathways to early childhood teacher preparation by Eun Kyeong Cho
12. Reimagining teacher education to attract and retain the early childhood workforce: addressing the needs of the "nontraditional" student by Vicki Garavuso
13. Pre-service early childhood teacher education by Sharon Ryan and Megan Gibson
14. Field experiences in the preparation of early childhood teachers by Karen M. La Paro
14. Teacher inquiry and professional development by Kathryn Castle.

Part IV: Pedagogical approaches that prepare teachers to support diverse learners
16. Preparing teachers to support transition and bridge discontinuity for children and families by Beth S. Rous and Helena P. Mawdsley
17. Addressing the needs of young children with diverse abilities and developmental differences by Leslie J. Couse
18. "My mommy doesn't speak English": Supporting children as emergent bilinguals by Celia Genishi and Tara Lencl
19. Multiculturally sustaining pedagogy in early childhood teacher education by Mariana Souto-Manning and Ranita Cheruvu
20. A social justice approach to diverse families by Beatrice S. Fennimore.

Part V: Contemporary influences in early childhood teacher education
21. Emerging role of technology to support early childhood pedagogy by Claire E. Hamilton and Ellen Edge
22. Promising practices in early childhood teacher assessment by Faiza M. Jamil and Robert C. Pianta
23. Globalization: international perspectives on early childhood teacher education by James L. Hoot, et. al.
24. Alternative perspectives on early childhood teacher education: shifting pedagogies by J. Amos Hatch
25. Future directions for early childhood teacher education by Leslie J. Couse and Susan L. Recchia.

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