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Introduction: All other bookes...are but notes upon this: The early modern Bible / Kevin Killeen and Helen Smith
Translations: A day after doomsday: Cranmer and the Bible translations of the 1530s / Susan Wabuda
Genevan legacies: The making of the English Geneva Bible / Femke Molekamp
A comely gate to so rich and glrious a citie: The paratextual architecture of the Rheims New Testament and the King James Bible / Katrin Ettenhuber
The King James Bible and Biblical images of desolation / Karen L. Edwards
The Roman inkhorn: Religious resistance to Latinism in early modern England / Jamie H. Ferguson
Retranslating the BIble in the English Revolution / Nigel Smith
Scholarship: The Septuagint and the transformation of Biblical scholarship in England from the King James Bible (1611) to the London polyglot (1657) / Nicholas Hardy
The apocrypha in early modern England / Ariel HEssayon
Isaiah 63 and the literal senses of Scripture / Debora Shuger
The sundrie waies of wisdom: Richard Hooker on the authority of Scripture and reason / Torrance Kirby
The doors shall fly open: Chronology and Biblical interpretation in England, c. 1630-1730 / Scott Mandelbrote
Early modern geographia sacra in the context of early modern scholarship / Zur Shalev
Milton's corrupt Bible / Neil Forsyth
The commodification of Scripture, 1640-1660: Politics, ecclesiology, and the cultures of print / Crawford Gribben
Self-defeating scholarship?: Antiscripturism and Anglican apologetics from Hooker to the Latitudinarians / Nicholas McDowell
Spreading the word: The Church of England and the English Bible, 1559-1640 / Lori Anne Ferrell
Hearing and reading: Disseminating Bible knowledge and fostering Bible understanding in early Modern England / Ian Green
All scripture is given by inspiration of God: Dissonance and Psalmody / Rachel Willie
Ornament and repetition: Biblical interpretation in early modern English preaching / Mary Morrissey
Preaching, reading, and publishing the word in Protestant Scotland / Alasdair Raffe
The Bible in early modern Gaelic Ireland: Tradition, collaboration, and alienation / Marc Caball
Wilt thou not read me, Atheist?: The Bible and conversation / Helen Smith
The political Bible: Mover and author: King James VI and I and the political use of the Bible / Jane Rickard
A king like other nations: Political theory and the Hebrew republic in the early modern age / Kim Ian Parker
Digging, levelling, and ranting: The Bible and the Civil War sects / Andrew Bradstock
A year in the life of King Saul: 1643 / Anne Lake Prescott
That glory may dwell in our land: The Bible, Britannia, and the Glorious Revolution / Emma Major
The Bible and literature: The KingJames Bible in its cultural moment / Helen Wilcox
The nobles composition in the universe or fit for the flames?: The literary style of the King James Bible / Hannibal Hamlin
Epic, meditation, or sacred history?: Women and Biblical verse paraphrase in seventeenth-century England / Sarah C.E. Ross
Scripture and tragedy in the Reformation / Russ Leo
This verse marks that: George Herbert's The Temple and scripture in context / Alison Knight
Blessed Joseph! I would thou hadst more fellows: John Bunyan's Joseph / Nancy Rosenfeld
Paradise lost, the Bible, and Biblical epic / Barbara K. Lewalski
Reception histories: Donne's Biblical encounters / Emma Rhatigan
Domestic decoration and the Bible in the early modern home / Andrew Morrall
My exuqisite copies for action: John Saltmarsh and the Machiavellian Bible / Kevin Killeen
Unbelief and the Bible / Roger Pooley
Inwardness and English Bible translations / Erica Longfellow
Early modern Davids: From sin to critique / Yvonne Sherwood.

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