Linked e-resources


Introduction to sport neuropsychology / Webbe
Qualifications and training of the sport neuropsychologist / Carr & Shunk
Ethical issues and practical considerations / Bush & Iverson
History & epidemiology of concussion in sport / Covassin & Elbin
Sport as a laboratory assessment mode / Barth ... [et al.]
Diagnosis and assessment of concussion / Barr & McCrea
Neuroimaging techniques and sports-related concussion / Pardini, Henry & Fazio
Evidence-based neuropsychological assessment in sport-related concussion / Iverson
Effects of repeated concussive and sub-concussive impacts in sport
Henry ... [et al.]
Computerized neuropsychological assessment in sport / Schatz
Youth sports concussion : a heads up on the growing public health concern / Moser, Fryer & Berardinelli
Concussion management programs in college and professional sports / Pardini, Johnson & Lovell
Counseling athletes within the context of neurocognitive concerns / Escalona ... [et al.]
Short-term and extended emotional correlates of concussion / Mainwaring
When science and politics conflict: the case of soccer heading in adults and children / Webbe & Salinas
Concussion management and neuropsychological concerns from the perspective of an athletic department / Zillmer ... [et al.]
Neuromotor effects of concussion : a biobehavioral perspective / Kontos & Ortega
Neurocognitive development in children and the role of sport participation / Tomparowski, Moore & Davis
Future directions in sport neuropsychology / Webbe ... [et al.].

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