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Byzantium and Western Europe in the Early Middle Ages. Codex Justinianus: children of the unfree ; Novella 146: On Jews ; Excerpt from the Visigothic Code ; The Farmer's Law, from Byzantium ; The laws of Alfred, Guthrum, and Edward the Elder ; The laws of King Alfred
The Catholic Church and its vicissitudes. Four documents from the Investiture controversy ; A truce of God, Decree of the Emperor Henry IV ; The Crusaders in Mainz, May 27, 1096 ; Excerpt from "The capture of Jerusalem" ; Excerpt from Historia Constantinopolitana ; Statute in favor of the princes ; Report from China ; Letter to Gregory XI
England and France. The Assize of Clarendon ; Letter from Peter of Blois to Queen Eleanor of England ; Excerpt from Dialogue Concerning the Exchequer ; On the rules of love and chivalry ; Magna Carta ; Three summonses to the Parliament of 1295 ; Ordinances of the Merchant Gild of Southampton ; The Battle of Poitiers, from The Chronicles of Froissart ; Excerpts from The Book of the City of Ladies ; Excerpt from The Treasure of the City of Ladies ; Letter to the King of England from Joan of Arc ; Excerpt from the trial of Joan of Arc
The Near East and beyond. The Pact of Umar: Peace Accord to the Christians of Syria ; Ibn Battuta makes the pilgrimage to Mecca and travels to Baghdad ; Ibn Battuta's travels in Cairo, Damascus, and Jerusalem ; Ibn Battuta's travels to Mali
Philosophy, religion, and science. On fate and providence, from The Consolation of Philosophy ; Excerpt from St. Anslem's Proslogium, or Discourse on the Existence of God ; "In behalf of the fool": a response to St. Anselm ; Prologue to Sic et Non ; "Of the perils of his abbey," from Abelard's Historia Calamitatum ; Testament of St. Francis ; On the principles of nature ; Excerpt from Summa Theologica ; "On experimental science" ; Excerpt from The Love of Books.

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