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Employment discrimination prior to 1964
Enactment of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967
Proving employment discrimination
Early race discrimination cases
Early sex discrimination cases
Early national origin discrimination cases
Early religious discrimination cases
Early age discrimination cases
Congressional amendment of Title VII and the ADEA
Current trends in the law prohibiting race discrimination
Current trends in the law prohibiting sex discrimination
Current trends in the law prohibiting discrimination of pregnant women
Current trends in the law prohibiting discrimination of women with children
Sexual harassment and the sex discrimination prohibitions of Title VII
Employer liability for employee acts of sexual harassment
Current trends in the law prohibiting national origin discrimination
Current trends in the law prohibiting religious discrimination
The ministerial exception
Accommodating employee religious beliefs and practices
Current trends in the law prohibiting age discrimination
Later developments in proving discrimination in Title VII cases
Later developments in proving discrimination in ADEA cases
The gender gap and the Lilly Ledbetter case
Same sex sexual harassment
Political and judicial opposition to the employment discrimination laws
The roles of the EEOC and the private attorney
What lies ahead for the employment discrimination laws?

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