Table of Contents
Introduction: Beginning as black goo
pt. 1. Cultural exchange, 1750-1890
Infrastructure: Drilling for saltwater
From black goo to black gold
Crossing borders to increase supply
Modeling big oil
Infrastructure: Shipping crude throughout the globe
pt. 2. Going mobile, 1890-1960
Infrastructure: Pumping gas
Hitting the road
Marching for petroleum : supply and weapons
Infrastructure: "Want fries with that?"
pt. 3. The globalization of petroleum dominance, 1960-present
Infrastructure: Big science helps big oil
Consuming cultures
To have and have not
Infrastructure: NYMEX and the commodity of crude
pt. 4. Living with limits and energy transitions, 1980-present
Infrastructure: Climate change reveals a new world order
"Peak oil," climate change, and petroleum under siege
Portrait of addiction : U.S. petroleum use
Epilogue: Resource curse : time for an oil change?
Chronology of petroleum in world history
Chronology of spills.
pt. 1. Cultural exchange, 1750-1890
Infrastructure: Drilling for saltwater
From black goo to black gold
Crossing borders to increase supply
Modeling big oil
Infrastructure: Shipping crude throughout the globe
pt. 2. Going mobile, 1890-1960
Infrastructure: Pumping gas
Hitting the road
Marching for petroleum : supply and weapons
Infrastructure: "Want fries with that?"
pt. 3. The globalization of petroleum dominance, 1960-present
Infrastructure: Big science helps big oil
Consuming cultures
To have and have not
Infrastructure: NYMEX and the commodity of crude
pt. 4. Living with limits and energy transitions, 1980-present
Infrastructure: Climate change reveals a new world order
"Peak oil," climate change, and petroleum under siege
Portrait of addiction : U.S. petroleum use
Epilogue: Resource curse : time for an oil change?
Chronology of petroleum in world history
Chronology of spills.