

Introduction / Vladimir Tismaneanu and Bogdan C. Iacob
Part One
Politics of memory and constructing democracy
European mass killing and European commemoration / Timothy Snyder
Why World War II memories remain so troubled in Europe and East Asia / Daniel Chirot
Post-authoritarian memories in Europe and Latin America / Eusebio Mujal-Leon and Eric Langenbacher
Divided memory revisited : the Nazi past in West Germany and in postwar Palestine / Jeffrey Herf
On the relationship between politics of memory and the state's attitude with the communist past / Alexandru Gussi
Part Two. Histories and their publics
Democracy, memory, and moral justice / Vladimir Tismaneanu
Promotion of a usable past : official efforts to rewrite Russo-Soviet history, 2000-2014 / David Brandenberger
Germany's two processes of "coming to terms with the past" : failures, after all? / Jan-Werner Müller
Part Three. Searching for closure in democratizing societies
Twenty-five years "after" : the ambivalence of settling accounts with communism : the Polish case / Andrzej Paczkowski
The Romanian revolution in court : what narratives about 1989? / Raluca Grosescu and Raluca Ursachi
Slobodan Milosevic in the Hague : failed success of a historical trial / Vladimir Petrovic
The South Africa transition : then and now / Charles Villa-Vicencio
Scholarship and public memory : the Presidential Commission for the Analysis of the Communist Dictatorship in Romania (PCACDR) / Cristian Vasile
Moldova under the Soviet communist regime : history and memory / Igor Casu
Part Four. Competing narratives of troubled pasts
Coming to terms with Catholic-Jewish relations in the Polish Catholic church / John Connelly
After communism : identity and morality in the Baltic countries / Leonidas Donskis
The Romanian communist past and the entrapment of polemics / Bogdan C. Iacob
Past intransient/transiting past : remembering the victims and the representation of communist past in Bulgaria / Nikolai Vukov.

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