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Language, Linguistics: Life, Biosemiotics...; Per aspera...; ... (per historiam)...; From Biology to Linguistics; From Linguistics to Biology; astra; References; Part I: Theory and Theoretical Models; On Biosemiotics and Its Possible Relevance to Linguistics; Understanding Life from a Fundamentally Semiotic Perspective; Linguistics and Biology: The Relationship Redefined; Defining Biosemiotics, and Its Relation to Linguistics; Thomas A. Sebeok: From Linguistics to Biosemiotics; The Latency of Biosemiotics in the Study of Linguistics

Language Is Not the Primary Creator or Locus of Meaning: Aspects of the Biosemiotic Perspective Relevant to the Advancement of Linguistic Inquiry Conclusions; References; Language and Biosphere: Blurry Contours as a Condition of Semiosis; Life as a Text: What Is the Metaphor?; Beyond College Textbooks; Elements; Speech Sounds and Molecules; Jumping to Chemistry; Cloudy Strings; Shaping the Message; Distributed in the World; Avatars: Critters or Zombies?; Mimesis; Epilogue; References; Language as Primary Modeling and Natural Languages: A Biosemiotic Perspective

General Linguistics and Global Semiotics Modeling, Communication and Dialogue; Language and Endosemiotic Systems; Binarism, Triadism and Dialogism; Language and the Origin of the Word; Syntactics and Writing in Language; Language and Communication; The Enigma of Babel; Language (Langage/Linguaggio) as Primary Modeling Species-Specific to Man and Natural Language (Langue/Lingua); Language (Langage/Linguaggio) and Cognitive Processes; Utterance and Answering Comprehension; References; Umwelt and Language; Introduction; "I Language, Therefore I Model"; Uexküll and Language

Is Language External or Internal to the Umwelt? The Tripartite Umwelt Model; The Role of Language and Predicative Reasoning in the Umwelt; Languaging as Perception, Action and Self-Deception; Languaging is More-than-Linguistic; Language and Self-Deception: The Anthropocentric Mistake; In Search of the Dark Matter of Our Enlightened Worlds; The Genesis and Modalities of Language; Origin and Evolution of Language; Acquisition of Language in Childhood; The Various Linguistic Modalities of the Human Umwelt; Beyond the Anthropocentric Mistake: Languaging as if Nature Mattered; References

Deep Congruence Between Linguistic and Biotic Growth: Evidence for Semiotic FoundationsIntroduction; Biotic and Linguistic Growth; Historical Cross-Fertilization Between Language Sciences and Life Sciences; Challenges Facing Evolutionary Linguistics; Biological Analogies Gone Wild; The Biosemiotic Synthesis; Evolutionary Theory, Semiosis and Peircean Thirdness; Semiosis and Domain-General Evolution; Semiosis and Process-Explicit Evolution; Semiosis and Thirdness in Linguistics and Biology; Deep Congruence; Evolutionary Chance: Linguistic Analogy

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