

The rise of Zarqawi. "What kind of person can command with only his eyes?" ; "Here was a real leader" ; "A problem like that always comes back" ; "The time for training is over" ; "I did it for al-Qaeda and for Zarqawi" ; "This war is going to happen" ; "Now his fame would extend throughout the Arab world"
Iraq. "No longer a victory" ; "So you guys think this is an insurgency?" ; "Revolting is exactly what we want" ; "It would surpass anything al-Qaeda did" ; "The sheikh of the slaughterers" ; "It's hopeless there" ; "Are you going to get him?" ; "This is our 9/11" ; "Your end is close"
ISIS. "The people want to topple the regime!" ; "Where is this Islamic State of Iraq that you're talking about?" ; "This is the state for which Zarqawi paved the way" ; "The mood music started to change" ; "There was no more hope after that" ; "This is a tribal revolution."

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