

The road taken : givens, choices, forks, sighs
The road not taken : words, reports, and grades
Roads : dirt, stone, wood, concrete, asphalt
Diverged : transcontinental journeys and interstate dreams
Yellow : center lines, stop signs, traffic lights
Could not travel : earthquakes, envy, and embarrassments
In the undergrowth : elevateds, subways, and engineers
Just as fair : location, location, location
and financing
Perhaps the better claim : iconic, signature, and stunning spans
Because it was : guardrails, medians, and Jersey barriers
Grassy and wanted wear : streets, lawns, speed bumps, potholes
The passing there : sidewalks, curbs, gutters, horses, pavements
Had worn them really : quality, shoddiness, and survivor bias
About the same : good enough bridges and bad enough tools
Lay in leaves : triage, budgets, and choices, again
Trodden black : corruption, graft, waste, fraud, abuse
For another day : trust funds, fuel taxes, and politics
How way leads on to way : economics, wrong turns, and political choices
Ever come back : pedestrians, preservationists, parks
Telling this with a sigh : public-private partnerships : plusses and minuses
Ages and ages hence : smart cars and pothole-free roads.

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