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It Seems Like Only Yesterday ... / Patricia Elizabeth Spencer
Foundations for Language Development in Deaf Children and the Consequences for Communication Choices / Harry Knoors
Rethinking Total Communication: Looking Back, Moving Forward / Connie Mayer
From Erasure to Recognition (and Back Again?): The Case of Flemish Sign Language / Mieke Van Herreweghe, Maartje De Meulder, Myriam Vermeerbergen
The Role of Language in Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Children's Social-Emotional Development / Manfred Hintermair
Perception of the Prosodic Characteristics of Spoken Language by Individuals with Hearing Loss / Tova Most
The Fine Art of Conversation: The Pragmatic Skills of School-Aged Children with Hearing Loss / Louise Paatsch, Dianne Toe
Grammatical Competence after Early Cochlear Implantation / Louise Duchesne
Spoken Vocabulary Development in Deaf Children with and without Cochlear Implants / Mary K. Fagan
Fingerspelling*: Beyond Handshape Sequences / Jonathan Keane, Diane Brentari
Vocabulary Acquisition in Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Children: Research and Interventions / Daan Hermans, Loes Wauters, Margot Willemsen, Harry Knoors
Bimodal Bilingualism: Sign Language and Spoken Language / Ronice Müller de Quadros, Diane Lillo-Martin, Deborah Chen Pichler
Developing Sign Bilingualism in a Co-Enrollment School Environment: A Hong Kong Case Study / Gladys Tang, Chris Kun-Man Yiu
Acquisition of Sign Language as a Second Language / Deborah Chen Pichler, Elena Koulidobrova
Teaching English as a Second Language to Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students / Ewa Domagała-Zyśk
A Biolinguistic Approach to Sign Languages / Antonio Benítez-Burraco
Neurocognitive Function in Deaf Children with Cochlear Implants: Early Development and Long-Term Outcomes / Irina Castellanos, David B. Pisoni, William G. Kronenberger, Jessica Beer
Neurolinguistic Studies of Sign Language Bilingualism / David P. Corina
What the Illiterate Brain Tells the Deaf Brain / Alexandre Castro-Caldas
New Directions in Signed Language Assessment / Wolfgang Mann, Tobias Haug
Investigating Sign Language Development, Delay, and Disorder in Deaf Children / Chloë Marshall, Gary Morgan
Language and Communication in People Who Are Deafblind / Mathijs P. J. Vervloed, Saskia Damen
Dyslexia and Deafness / Rosalind Herman, Penny Roy
Cued Speech and Cochlear Implants: A Powerful Combination for Natural Spoken Language Acquisition and the Development of Reading / Jacqueline Leybaert, Clémence Bayard, Cécile Colin, Carol LaSasso
Encouraging Emergent Reading in Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Children / Susan R. Easterbrooks, Jessica W. Trussell
Phonological Knowledge and the Development of Language and Literacy Skills in Deaf Learners / Joseph H. Bochner, Aaron Kelstone
The Impact of Cochlear Implants on Deaf Children's Literacy / Margaret Harris
Scaffolding Learning through Classroom Talk: The Role of Translanguaging / Ruth Swanwick
Understanding Language in the Real World / Marc Marschark, Elizabeth Jackson Machmer, Carol Convertino.

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