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Preface; Contents; Modeling Physical Processes at Galactic Scales and Above; 1 In Lieu of Introduction; 2 Physics of the IGM; 2.1 Linear Hydrodynamics in the Expanding Universe; 2.2 Lyman-α Forest; 2.3 Modeling the IGM; 2.4 What Observations Tell Us; 3 From IGM to CGM; 3.1 Large Scale Structure; 3.2 How Gas Gets onto Galaxies; 3.3 Cool Streams; 3.4 Galactic Halos; 3.5 Diversion: Cooling of Rarefied Gases; 3.6 Back to Galactic Halos; 4 ISM: Gas in Galaxies; 4.1 Galaxy Formation Lite; 4.2 Galactic Disks; 4.3 Ionized, Atomic, and Molecular Gas in Galaxies; 4.4 Molecular ISM; 5 Star Formation

5.1 Kennicutt-Schmidt and All, All, All5.2 Excursion Set Formalism in Star Formation; 6 Stellar Feedback; 6.1 What Escapes from Stars; 6.2 Unconventional Marriage: Feedback and Star Formation; 6.3 Toward the Future; 7 Answers to Brain Teasers; References; Physical Processes in the Interstellar Medium; 1 Introduction; 2 Composition of the ISM; 2.1 Gas; 2.2 Dust; 2.3 Interstellar Radiation Field; 2.4 Cosmic Rays; 3 Heating and Cooling of Interstellar Gas; 3.1 Optically-Thin Two-Level Atom; 3.2 Effects of Line Opacity; 3.3 Multi-level Systems; 3.4 Atomic and Molecular Coolants in the ISM

3.5 Gas-Grain Energy Transfer3.6 Computing the Dust Temperature; 3.7 Photoelectric Heating; 3.8 Other Processes Responsible for Heating; 4 ISM Turbulence; 4.1 Observations; 4.2 Simple Theoretical Considerations; 4.3 Scales of ISM Turbulence; 4.4 Decay of ISM Turbulence; 4.5 Sources of ISM Turbulence: Gravity and Rotation; 4.6 Sources of ISM Turbulence: Stellar Feedback; 5 Formation of Molecular Clouds; 5.1 Transition from Atomic to Molecular Gas; 5.2 Importance of Dust Shielding; 5.3 Molecular Cloud Formation in a Galactic Context; 6 Star Formation

6.1 Molecular Cloud Cores as Sites of Star Formation6.2 Statistical Properties of Stars and Star Clusters; 6.3 Gravoturbulent Star Formation; 6.4 Theoretical Models for the Origin of the IMF; 6.5 Massive Star Formation; 6.6 Final Stages of Star and Planet Formation; 7 Summary; References; High Performance Computing and Numerical Modelling; 1 Preamble; 2 Collisionless N-Body Dynamics; 2.1 The Hierarchy of Particle Distribution Functions; 2.2 The Relaxation Time
When Is a System Collisionless?; 2.3 N-Body Models and Gravitational Softening; 2.4 N-Body Equations in Cosmology

2.5 Calculating the Dynamics of an N-Body System3 Time Integration Techniques; 3.1 Explicit and Implicit Euler Methods; 3.2 Runge-Kutta Methods; 3.3 The Leapfrog; 3.4 Symplectic Integrators; 4 Gravitational Force Calculation; 4.1 Particle Mesh Technique; 4.2 Fourier Techniques; 4.3 Multigrid Techniques; 4.4 Hierarchical Multipole Methods (``tree Codes''); 4.5 TreePM Schemes; 5 Basic Gas Dynamics; 5.1 Euler and Navier-Stokes Equations; 5.2 Shocks; 5.3 Fluid Instabilities; 5.4 Turbulence; 6 Eulerian Hydrodynamics; 6.1 Solution Schemes for PDEs; 6.2 Simple Advection; 6.3 Riemann Problem

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