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Preface; Acknowledgements; Typographic Conventions; Variables and Symbols; List of Abbreviations; Abbreviations of Mineral Names; Contents; 1 Introduction; 1.1 Causes of Whole-Rock Chemical Variation in Igneous Suites; 1.2 Conventional Software for Igneous Geochemistry; 1.2.1 Spreadsheets; 1.2.2 Dedicated Programs (PC Compatibles)1; 1.3 A Revolution? The R Language; 1.3.1 What is R?; 1.3.2 Geochemical Data Toolkit (GCDkit); References; Part I R/GCDkit at Work; 2 Data Manipulation and Simple Calculations; 2.1 Loading and Manipulating Data

2.2 Linking Whole-Rock Chemistry with Mineral Stoichiometry2.2.1 Basic Indexes; 2.2.2 Cationic Parameters; 2.2.3 Normative Calculations and Classification of Igneous Rocks; 2.3 Statistics; 2.4 Classification and Grouping-Using Factors; 2.4.1 Statistical Examination of Complex Data Sets; 2.4.2 Conversion of Numeric Vectors to Factors; 2.4.3 Frequency (Contingency) Tables; References; 3 Classical Plots; 3.1 Binary Plots; 3.1.1 Plotting Simple Binary Plots; 3.1.2 Constant Sum Effect (Closure); 3.2 Harker Plots and Other Basic Multiple Plots; 3.3 Ternary Plots; 3.4 Classification Plots in GCDkit

3.5 Geotectonic Diagrams3.6 Spiderplots; 3.7 Multiple Plots by Groups; References; 4 Specialized Plots; 4.1 Log-log Binary Plots; 4.2 Specialized Spiderplots; 4.2.1 Double-Normalized Spiderplots; 4.2.2 Spider Boxplots, Spider Box and Percentile Plots; 4.3 Contour Plots; 4.4 Anomaly Plots; 4.5 Stripplots and Strip Boxplots; References; 5 Radiogenic Isotopes; 5.1 Recalculation of Elemental to Isotopic Ratios; 5.2 Calculation of Initial Ratios or Ages; 5.3 Epsilon, Delta and Gamma Values; 5.4 Model Ages; 5.4.1 Single-Stage Nd Model Ages; 5.4.2 Two-Stage Nd Model Ages; 5.5 Isochron Ages

10.1 Crystal Networks and Substitutions10.2 Partition Coefficients; 10.3 Controls on the Values of Partition Coefficients; 10.4 Bulk Distribution Coefficients; References; 11 Direct (Dilute) Trace-Element Models; 11.1 Crystallization; 11.1.1 Batch Crystallization; 11.1.2 Fractional Crystallization; 11.1.3 Comparing Different Models; 11.2 Melting; 11.2.1 Batch Melting; 11.2.2 Fractional Melting; 11.2.3 Comparing Different Models; 11.2.4 Alternative Formulations of the Melting Equations; 11.3 Mixing; 11.3.1 Ratio of Two Elements During Binary Mixing

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