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Foreword to the Fourth Edition; Preface; Acknowledgments; Contents; Contributors; Part I: The Current State of Health Information Management in the United States; Introduction; Chapter 1: Clinical Decision Support: History and Basic Concepts; 1.1 The Early Promise of Clinical Decision Support; 1.2 Some Problems Emerge; 1.3 Alert Fatigue and Workflow Interruption; 1.4 Efforts to Improve Arden-Like Rules; 1.4.1 Ambient Alerts: A Better Approach to Delivering Alerts?; 1.5 Expert Systems as Alternative to Arden-Like Rules

1.5.1 Using Guideline-Based CDS to Expand the Breadth of Clinical Coverage1.6 Diagnostic Decision Support; 1.7 Knowledge Portability: Standards for Clinical Decision Support; 1.8 Standard Development Organizations' Efforts; 1.9 Government Initiated Standards Efforts; 1.10 Discussion; References; Chapter 2: Electronic Health Record Features, Functions, and Privileges That Clinicians Need to Provide Safe and Effective Care for Adults and Children; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Recommendations for Professional "Rights" and Responsibilities; 2.2.1 Uninterrupted EHR Access

2.2.2 Ability to See All Data Required to Provide Safe and Effective Care2.2.3 Access to a Succinct Patient Summary; 2.2.4 Ability to Override Computer-Generated Alerts; 2.2.5 Explanation of Computer-Generated Clinical Interventions; 2.2.6 Compensation for Technology-Mediated Care; 2.2.7 Ability to Review Discrepancies in Performance-Measurement Data; 2.2.8 Freedom to Report Errors; 2.2.9 Appropriate Access to Training and Assistance; 2.2.10 Access to EHRs That Fit Routine Clinical Workflows; 2.3 Children and Neonates; 2.3.1 Support for Medication Prescribing in Children

2.3.2 Electronic Display of Growth Charts2.3.3 Child-Friendly, EHR-Equipped Exam Room; 2.3.4 User Interface That Supports Correct Identification of Patients; 2.3.5 An EHR That Supports Adolescent Confidentiality; 2.3.6 EHR Content That Supports Pediatric Practice; 2.4 Setting the Groundwork for Future Debate; 2.5 Summary; References; Chapter 3: The Journey to Usability: A Vendor's Perspective; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 The Journey Up Until Now; 3.3 The Hardware/Communications; 3.4 Software Development; 3.5 Usability; 3.5.1 Change Management; 3.5.2 Challenges and Destination; References

Chapter 4: Snapshot at Mid-stride: Current State of EHRs and Their Use by Clinicians from a CMIO's Perspective4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Background; 4.3 Current EHR Design Paradigm; 4.4 EHR Functionality; 4.4.1 Reviewing Information; 4.4.2 Workflow; 4.4.3 Order Entry and Documentation; 4.5 Advantages Achieved; 4.6 Clinician Complaints, and the Potential to Address Them; 4.7 Learning from Other Industries. The Case of Aviation; 4.8 Summary; References; Chapter 5: The Evolution of EHR-S Functionality for Care and Coordination; 5.1 Introduction

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