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Volume I. Elections in America. The evolution of American elections ; Elections: an expanding franchise
Political parties. Campaign finance ; Politics and issues, 1945-2014 ; Political party development ; Historical profiles of American political parties ; The Southern electoral experience
Presidential elections. Introduction to Presidential elections ; Chronology of Presidential elections ; Presidential primaries ; Presidential primary returns, 1912-2012 ; Nominating conventions
Political party nominees, 1831-2012 ; Convention chronology, 1831-2012 ; Key convention ballots ; Popular vote returns for President ; The Electoral College ; Electoral votes for President, 1789-2012 ; Biographical directory of Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidates
Volume II. Congressional elections. Introduction to Congressional elections ; House elections ; Reapportionment and redistricting ; House general election returns, 1824-2015 ; Senate elections ; U.S. Senators, 1789-2015 ; Senate general election returns, 1913-2014 ; Senate primary election returns, 1920-2014
Gubernatorial elections. Introduction to gubernatorial elections ; Governors of the states, 1776-2015 ; Gubernatorial general election returns, 1776-2014 ; Gubernatorial primary election returns, 1919-2014 ; Reference materials
House candidates index
Senate general election candidates index
Senate primary candidates index
Gubernatorial general election candidates index
Gubernatorial primary candidates index
General index.

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