

The big idea. Climate realities ; Agricultural climate change mitigation and adaptation ; Carbon sequestration potentials ; Agroforestry and perennial crops ;- A multifunctional solution
A global toolkit of practices and species. Annual cropping systems ; Livestock systems ; Perennial cropping systems ; Additional tools ; Introduction to species
Perennial staple crops. Introduction to perennial staple crops ; Basic starch crops ; Balanced carbohydrate crops ; Protein crops ; Protein-oil crops ; Edible oil crops ; Sugar crops
Perennial industrual crops. Industrial crops: materials, chemicals, and energy ; Biomass crops ; Industrial starch crops ; Industrial oil crops ; Hydrocarbon crops ; Fiber crops ; Other industrial uses
Road map to implementation. A three-point plan to scale up carbon farming ; Support farmers and farming organizations to make the transition ; Effectively finance carbon farming ; Remove national and international policy barriers ; Strategic next steps
Appendix A. Global species matrix
Appendix B. Clean dry weight yield calculations
Appendix C. Carbon sequestration rates
Appendix D. Changes in Latin names.

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