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Preface to the Third Edition; References; Contents; About the Author; Chapter 1: Energy Release in Nuclear Reactions, Neutrons, Fission, and Characteristics of Fission; 1.1 Notational Conventions for Mass Excess and Q-Values; 1.2 Rutherford and the Energy Release in Radium Decay; 1.3 Rutherford ́s First Artificial Nuclear Transmutation; 1.4 Discovery of the Neutron; 1.5 Artificially-Induced Radioactivity and the Path to Fission; 1.6 Energy Release in Fission; 1.7 The Bohr-Wheeler Theory of Fission: The Z2/A Limit Against Spontaneous Fission; 1.8 Energy Spectrum of Fission Neutrons.

1.9 Leaping the Fission Barrier1.10 A Semi-Empirical Look at the Fission Barrier; 1.11 A Numerical Model of the Fission Process; 1.11.1 Volume and Surface Areas; Volume Conservation; 1.11.2 Surface and Coulomb Energies; 1.11.3 Results; References; Chapter 2: Critical Mass and Efficiency; 2.1 Neutron Mean Free Path; 2.2 Critical Mass: Diffusion Theory; 2.3 Effect of Tamper; 2.4 Estimating Bomb Efficiency: Analytic; 2.5 Estimating Bomb Efficiency: Numerical; 2.5.1 A Simulation of the Hiroshima Little Boy Bomb; 2.6 Another Look at Untamped Criticality: Just One Number.

2.7 Critical Mass of a Cylindrical Core (Optional)References; Chapter 3: Producing Fissile Material; 3.1 Reactor Criticality; 3.2 Neutron Thermalization; 3.3 Plutonium Production; 3.4 Electromagnetic Separation of Isotopes; 3.5 Gaseous (Barrier) Diffusion; References; Chapter 4: Complicating Factors; 4.1 Boron Contamination in Graphite; 4.2 Spontaneous Fission of 240Pu, Predetonation, and Implosion; 4.2.1 Little Boy Predetonation Probability; 4.2.2 Fat Man Predetonation Probability; 4.3 Predetonation Yield; 4.4 Tolerable Limits for Light-Element Impurities; References.

Chapter 5: Miscellaneous Calculations5.1 How Warm Is It?; 5.2 Brightness of the Trinity Explosion; 5.3 A Model for Trace Isotope Production in a Reactor; References; Chapter 6: Appendices; 6.1 Appendix A: Selected Delta-Values and Fission Barriers; 6.2 Appendix B: Densities, Cross-Sections, Secondary Neutron Numbers, and Spontaneous-Fission Half-Lives; 6.2.1 Thermal Neutrons (0.0253eV); 6.2.2 Fast Neutrons (2MeV); 6.3 Appendix C: Energy and Momentum Conservation in a Two-Body Collision; 6.4 Appendix D: Energy and Momentum Conservation in a Two-Body Collision That Produces a Gamma-Ray.

6.5 Appendix E: Formal Derivation of the Bohr-Wheeler Spontaneous Fission Limit6.5.1 Introduction; 6.5.2 Nuclear Surface Profile and Volume; 6.5.3 The Area Integral; 6.5.4 The Coulomb Integral and the SF Limit; 6.6 Appendix F: Average Neutron Escape Probability from Within a Sphere; 6.7 Appendix G: The Neutron Diffusion Equation; 6.8 Appendix H: Exercises and Answers; 6.9 Appendix I: Glossary of Symbols; 6.10 Appendix J: Further Reading; 6.10.1 General Works; 6.10.2 Biographical and Autobiographical Works; 6.10.3 Technical Works; 6.10.4 Websites.

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