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Table of Contents
1. Introduction
Aim and structure of the book
Key research concepts, methods, and goals
2. Overview
The critical role of environmental resources
Sources of environmental scarcity
The importance of context
Pivotal countries
Ingenuity and adaptation
3. Two centuries of debate
Neo-Malthusians versus economic optimists
The distributionist alternative
Thresholds, interdependence, and interactivity
Social friction and adaptive failure
Appendix. How to read a systems diagram
4. Environmental scarcity
Three sources of scarcity
Factors producing scarcity
The physical trends of global change
5. Interactions and social effects
Social effects
Appendix. The causal role of environmental scarcity
6. Ingenuity and adaptation
The nature and role of ingenuity
Some factors increasing the requirement for ingenuity
Some factors limiting the supply of ingenuity
Appendix. Can poor countries attain endogenous growth?
7. Violence
Types of violent conflict
Four further cases
Urban growth and violence
Implications for international security
Appendix. Hypothesis testing and case selection
8. Conclusions
General readings on environmental security
Aim and structure of the book
Key research concepts, methods, and goals
2. Overview
The critical role of environmental resources
Sources of environmental scarcity
The importance of context
Pivotal countries
Ingenuity and adaptation
3. Two centuries of debate
Neo-Malthusians versus economic optimists
The distributionist alternative
Thresholds, interdependence, and interactivity
Social friction and adaptive failure
Appendix. How to read a systems diagram
4. Environmental scarcity
Three sources of scarcity
Factors producing scarcity
The physical trends of global change
5. Interactions and social effects
Social effects
Appendix. The causal role of environmental scarcity
6. Ingenuity and adaptation
The nature and role of ingenuity
Some factors increasing the requirement for ingenuity
Some factors limiting the supply of ingenuity
Appendix. Can poor countries attain endogenous growth?
7. Violence
Types of violent conflict
Four further cases
Urban growth and violence
Implications for international security
Appendix. Hypothesis testing and case selection
8. Conclusions
General readings on environmental security