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Introduction to the Handbook / Yann Bramoullé, Andrea Galeotti, Brian Rogers
The Past and Future of Network Analysis in Economics / Matthew Jackson
Networks in Economics / Sanjeev Goyal
Networks / Alan Kirman
Network formation games / Vincent Vannetelbosch, Ana Mauleon
Stochastic Network Formation and Homophily / Paolo Pin, Brian Rogers
Links and Actions in Interplay / Fernando Vega-Redondo
Games Played on Networks / Yann Bramoullé, Rachel Kranton
Repeated games and networks / Francesco Nava
Diffusion in Networks / PJ Lamberson
Learning in Social Networks / Ben Golub, Evan Sadler
Conflict and Networks / Sanjeev Goyal, Adrien Vigier, Marcin Dziubinski
Key players / Yves Zenou
Models of Bilateral Trade in Networks / Mihai Manea
Strategic Models of Intermediation Networks / Andrea Galeotti, Daniele Condorelli
Networks, Shocks, and Systemic Risk / Daron Acemoglu, Asu Ozdaglar, Alireza Tahbaz-Salehi
Financial Contagion in Networks / Antonio Cabrales, Douglas Gale, Piero Gottardi
Networks in International Trade / Thomas Chaney
Small-World Networks / Duncan Watts
Econometrics of Network Formation / Arun Chandrasekhar
Some Challenges in the Empirics of the Effects of Networks / Bernard Fortin, Vincent Boucher
Networked Experiments / Sinan Aral
Field Experiments, Social Networks, and Development / Emily Breza
Networks in the Laboratory / Syngjoo Choi, Shachar Kariv, Edoardo Gallo
Informal Transfers in Social Networks / Markus Mobius, Tanya Rosenblat
Community Networks and Migration / Kaivan Munshi
Social Networks and the Labor Market / Lori Beaman
Attention in Organizations / Andrea Prat, Wouter Dessein
Targeting and Pricing in Social Networks / Francis Bloch
Managing Social Interactions / Dina Mayzlin
Economic Features of the Internet and Network Neutrality / Nick Economides.

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