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Part I, Starting places. A slave's world
Many mansions
A Black River home
A place seen from afar. Part II, Journey to a West African cape. Testing the waters
Fair hope among the Grebo
Beneath an African sky
Sorrows and conflicts
The bitter cost of freedom
Exploring strange worlds
The conversion of William Davis (Mworeh Mah)
Rose-tinted glasses
"The liberty of choosing for themselves." Part III, Life among the Mpongwe. Toko and the waterwitch
A sophisticated, hospitable, and heathen people
Rainforest lessons
The French : "the most dishonest and shameless people"
Home visit
"He worships with sincere devotion the customs of his ancestors." Part IV, Homeward journey. An unsought and unexpected appointment
A patriot's choice
Civil war
Home ground
Distant voices.

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