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Table of Contents
Rendering perspective views from observed reality
Plans, elevations, and paraline projections
Constructing perspective views
Geometric tools: diagonals, squares, and cubes
Sloping planes and surfaces
Circles and curved surfaces
Shadows and reflections
Freehand sketching and rapid visualization
The figure in perspective
Shading and rendering
Aerial perspective
Appendix A: examples of perspective views
Appendix B: notes on studying and teaching perspective drawing.
Rendering perspective views from observed reality
Plans, elevations, and paraline projections
Constructing perspective views
Geometric tools: diagonals, squares, and cubes
Sloping planes and surfaces
Circles and curved surfaces
Shadows and reflections
Freehand sketching and rapid visualization
The figure in perspective
Shading and rendering
Aerial perspective
Appendix A: examples of perspective views
Appendix B: notes on studying and teaching perspective drawing.