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The wildlands and woodlands initiative / David Foster
The University of Montana-Missoula : a campus with an ecoystem / Gary Tabor, Matthew McKinney, and Perry Brown
Research networks and large-landscape conservation and restoration : the case of the Colorado River delta / Karl Flessa
Conservation at the landscape scale
Saving the Florida scrub : science and serendipity / Hilary Swain, Archbold Research Station, and Patricia Martin
The Canadian BEACONS project and boreal forest conservation / Fiona Schmiegelow
Working landscapes and the Western Hemisphere Jaguar Network / Joe Figel
Philander Chase Corporation / Douglas Givens
The quiet corner initiative at the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental studies / Mary Tyrrell, Matthew Fried, Mark Ashton, and Richard Campbell
Alternative futures modeling in Maine's Penobscot River Watershed : forging a regional identity for river restoration / Robert J. Lilieholm, Christopher S. Cronan, Michelle L. Johnson, Spencer R. Meyer, and Dave Owen
Landscape-scale conservation on the Serengeti / Robin Reid
Conservation law initiatives in the West / Fred Cheever and Nancy McLaughlin
The creation of coastal zone management in Victoria, Australia / Geoff Wescott
Karukinka and the emerging private land conservation movement in Chile / Guillermo Donoso
A proposal for conservation easements in Trinidad and Tobago / Karena Mahung
Appendices: catalyzing conservation through the humanities
A. Poetry and place : a presentation / Caroline Harvey
B. Film transcript : Colorado College's large landscape conservation strategy to save the Colorado River Basin / Alex Suber
The drowning fish : large landscapes and the burden of significance / Blair Braverman.

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