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Foreword : Toward socio-ecological self-management / Javier Sethness Castro
Editor's introduction : The global land grab / Alexander Reid Ross
Land wars and the great land grab / Vandana Shiva
Factors shaping the global land rush / Ward Anseeuw and Mike Taylor
Destructive development and land sales in Ethiopia / Graham Peebles
Biofuels, land grabs, revolution / Alexander Reid Ross
Environmental group events in today's China / Yangtze River Delta Earth First!
Women, land-struggles, and globalization : an international perspective / Silvia Federici
Land, territory, entropy / Guillermo Delgado-P
A coup over land / Benjamin Dangl
Black women on the edge / Keisha-Khan Perry and Ana Cristina da Silva Caminha
Exit and territory : a world-systems analysis of non-state spaces / Andrej GrubacŒic
Taking back the commons : an introduction / Alexander Reid Ross
Reconstructing the poor peoples movement / Noam Chomsky
A Detroit story : ideas whose time has come / Grace Lee Boggs ... [et al.]
Capitalism, racism, resistance / Ahjamu Umi
Take back the land / Max Rameau
Organizing through disaster for liberation and solidarity / scott crow
Occupied mountains / Jen Osha, Cathy Kunkel, and Andrew Munn
Mi'kmaq against the gas grab / Miles Howe
Ports as places of stickiness in a world of global flows / Andrew Herod
Resistance to Alberta Tar Sands megaloads in Idaho & beyond / Helen Yost and Alexander Reid Ross
Demanding the land at a public university? Space, place, and occupation at the University of California, Berkeley / Alex Barnard
Advancing the alter-modern / Michael Hardt.

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