

The Founding Fathers and modern America
The great American melting pot. JFK, Ted Kennedy, and the immigration reform that changed America
The living Constitution. Earl Warren, Thurgood Marshall, Martin Luther King Jr., Lyndon Johnson, and the fight for civil rights
Broken windows, urban crime, and hard data. Bill Bratton and modern policing
"No apologies, no regrets." General William Westmoreland and the rebirth of the U.S. military
It's the economy, stupid. Milton Friedman's new math of free markets, big business, and small taxes
Liberty and justice for all. Eleanor Roosevelt and the fight for universal human rights
The bridge and tunnel crowd. Robert Moses, William Levitt, and the American city
"Keep the boys happy." George Meany, labor unions, and the rise of the middle class
One nation under God. Billy Graham and the power of the Christian right
Girls to women to your boss. Betty Friedan and American feminism
The power of diplomacy. Henry Kissinger, Richard Nixon, and the opening of China
One-third of a nation. Pat Moynihan and the war on poverty
Equal protection under the law. Harry Hay, Barry Goldwater, and gay rights
Back to the future. Ronald Reagan, Ed Meese, and the remaking of the judicial system
The social safety net. Social Security, Medicare, and Robert Ball
'Silent spring.' Rachel Carson and the environmental movement
A new beginning. Martin Luther King, Jr., Jesse Jackson, and the fight for racial equality
The right to bear arms. Charlton Heston and the NRA.

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