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Committee Members; Foreword; Contents; Contributors; 1 Introduction: Poverty Reduction, Ecological Migration and Sustainable Development ; 1.1 Poor Natural Conditions Cause Historically Vicious Cycle of Poverty and Ecological Degradation; 1.2 Ecological Migration Effectively Promotes Poverty Reduction and Ecological Protection; 1.3 Problems Confronting Ecological Migrants; 1.4 Coordinating the Development of Cities and Rural Regions and Building a Moderately Prosperous Society in All Respects; 2 The History and Present Condition of Ecological Migration in Ningxia

2.1 The Journey of Ecological Migration and Development2.1.1 The Goal and Type of Diaozhuang Style of Migration; 2.1.2 The Goal and Phases of Ecological Migration; 2.2 The Accomplishments in the Implementation of Ecological Migration; 2.2.1 Relatively Higher Degree of Satisfaction for Migrants; 2.2.2 The Living Standard of the Migrants Has Generally Improved; 2.2.3 Great Ecological Improvements; 2.2.4 The Migrants' Attitude Changes Significantly; 2.2.5 More Harmonious Relationship Between Ethnic Groups; 2.2.6 Migrants' Avenues Toward Increasing Their Standard of Living Are Greatly Expanded

2.2.7 Assistance to the Disabled and Rapid Development of the Charitable Cause2.3 The Problems Existing in the Development of Ecological Migration; 2.3.1 Part of the Migration Plan Is Out of Joint with the Migrants' Practical Needs; 2.3.2 The Settlers Are Slow in Earning Income, Which Affects Their Pace in Eliminating Poverty; 2.3.3 A Big Gap Exists Between the Training of Settlers and Actual Needs; 2.3.4 There Is a Lack of Funding for Construction the Settlement Zones; 2.3.5 Labor Migration Is a Slow Progress; 3 The Economic and Social Lives of the Ecological Migrants in Ningxia

3.1 The Economic Condition of the Ecological Migrants3.1.1 Balance of Payments Surplus; 3.1.2 Income Status; 3.1.3 Expenditure; 3.1.4 Retention of Consumer Durable Goods; 3.2 The Living Condition of the Ecological Migrants; 3.2.1 Natural ConditionLocation; 3.2.2 TransportationWater ResourceEnergy for Daily Life; 3.2.3 Housing Conditions; 3.2.4 Community Service Facility and the Degree of Life Convenience; 3.2.5 Leisure Activities; 3.3 The Social Status of the Ecological Migrants; 3.3.1 Household Registration Status; 3.3.2 Educational Levels; 3.3.3 Family Size and Ethnic Component

3.3.4 Occupational Status and Volition to Work Outside Home3.4 Summary and Discussion; 4 The Social Relation of the Ecological Migrants in Ningxia and Their Social Evaluation ; 4.1 The Interpersonal Relationship and Social Involvement of the Ecological Migrants; 4.1.1 Social Relations; 4.1.2 Social Involvement; 4.1.3 Means of Communication and the Sources of Information; 4.2 The Ethnic Relationship and Religious Beliefs of the Ecological Migrants; 4.2.1 Ethnic Relationship; 4.2.2 Religious Belief; 4.3 The Social Evaluation of the Ecological Migrants

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