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Preface; Organization Committee; Contents; About the Editors; Part I Distributed Systems, Social Networks,and Applications; 1 An Algorithm for Partitioning Community Graph into Sub-community Graphs Using Graph Mining Techniques; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Basics in Graph Theory; 2.1 Digraph; 2.2 Sub-digraph; 2.3 Adjacency Matrix; 2.4 Good Partition; 2.5 Normalized Cuts; 2.6 Graph Partitions; 3 Proposed Algorithms and Analysis; 3.1 Explanation; 3.2 Example; 3.3 Output; 4 Conclusions; References; 2 Traceback: A Forensic Tool for Distributed Systems; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Related Work

2.1 Compression of Logs2.2 Forensic Tools Used in Network Security; 3 System Overview; 4 The Logging Agent; 4.1 Access to the Agent and Logs; 4.2 Description of a System State; 4.3 Information Collection from Different Logs; 4.4 Compression of Logs; 5 Central Storage; 5.1 Using a Database
MongoDB; 5.2 Using a File-System; 6 Traceback Tool; 6.1 Timeline Format; 6.2 Modules; 6.3 Playback Mechanism; 7 Conclusion and Future Work; References; 3 Deterministic Transport Protocol Verified by a Real-Time Actuator and Sensor Network Simulation for Distributed Active Turbulent Flow Control; Abstract

1 Introduction2 Model; 3 Three Layer Communication Concept; 4 Real-Time Master-Token-Slave Protocol; 5 Evaluation of MTS by Network Model Simulations; 6 Conclusion and Outlook; Acknowledgments; References; 4 Improved Resource Provisioning in Hadoop; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Related Works; 3 Overview of Scheduling in Hadoop; 4 Proposed Work; 4.1 Calculating the Cluster Status; 4.2 Job Classification Based on Its Characteristics; 5 Experimental Setup; 6 Evaluation; 7 Conclusion; References; 5 Cuckoo Search for Influence Maximization in Social Networks; Abstract; 1 Introduction

2 Literature Survey3 Cuckoo Breeding Behaviour and L'evy Flight; 4 Cuckoo Search Algorithm; 5 Proposed Method; 5.1 Nest Representation; 5.2 Initial Solution, Step Size and Stop Criteria; 5.3 Pseudo Code for Influence Maximization in Social Networks; 6 Experimental Results and Evaluation; 6.1 Case 1: Simulated Heuristic Approach; 6.2 Case 2: Degree Centrality Heuristic Approach; 6.3 Case 3: Distance Centrality Heuristic Approach; 7 Comparison; 8 Conclusion and Future Work; References; 6 Sociopedia: An Interactive System for Event Detection and Trend Analysis for Twitter Data; Abstract

1 Introduction2 Related Work; 3 System Development; 3.1 Data Cleaning; 3.2 Data Preprocessing; 3.3 Build Ontology Module; 4 Results and Analysis; 5 Conclusion and Future Work; References; 7 Design and Implementation of a Hierarchical Content Delivery Network Interconnection Model; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Related Work; 2.1 Existing CDNI Model; 2.2 The Constraints of the CDNI Model; 3 Proposed Model; 3.1 HCDNI Model; 3.2 Terminologies; 3.3 Procedure to Create Hierarchical CDNI Structure; 3.4 Routing Mechanism in Hierarchical CDNI Architecture; 4 Redistribution of Content

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