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Chapter 1: Reconstituting Confucianism for the Contemporary World; 1.1 What Is Confucianism?; 1.2 Confucianism a Religion?; 1.3 New Confucianism; 1.4 Confucianism and Religion; 1.5 Confucianism and Government; 1.6 Confucianism and the Natural Environment; Part I : Confucianism in the Contemporary World of Thought; Chapter 2: Some Historical and Methodological Reflections on Ruxue in Contemporary China; 2.1 Academic Institutionalization and Ruxue; 2.2 Master Studies; 2.3 Whose Confucianism? Which Confucianism?; 2.4 State Versus Cultivation; References

Chapter 3: From Culture to Cultural Nationalism: A Study of New Confucianism of the 1980s and 1990s3.1 Three Intellectual Currents; 3.2 Three Generations of New Confucians; 3.3 Confucian Capitalism; References; Chapter 4: A Study on Pre-Qin Confucian Scholars' Environmental Ethics; 4.1 The "Supreme Virtue of the Creation and Procreation": Confucian Scholars' Understanding of Ecosystem in Pre-Qin China; 4.2 The Unity of Heaven and Humanity: The Pre-Qin Confucian Scholars' Philosophical Foundation for Environmental Ethics

4.3 Be Benevolent to People and Kind to Creatures: Pre-Qin Confucian Scholars' Value Judgments in Environmental Ethics4.4 Institutionalizing Li (Rites) and Yue (Music): Pre-Qin Confucian Scholars' Environmental Protection Strategies; References; Part II : Confucianism in the Contemporary World of Action; Chapter 5: Building a Loho Homeland with Traditional Wisdom; 5.1 The Loho Homeland Project Revitalized Rural Culture; 5.2 Loho Homeland Project Rebuilding Rural Society; 5.3 Loho Homeland Project of Training Rural Social Workers; 5.4 Loho Homeland Building a Platform for Social Governance

Chapter 6: Modernizing Tradition or Restoring Antiquity as Confucian Alternatives: A View from Reading Wedding Rituals in Contemporary China6.1 Contextual Introduction; 6.2 Official Blessing of Ceremonial Correctness: The Zhang Wedding; 6.3 Personal Expression of Cosmic Love: The Lei Wedding; 6.4 Particular and Equal: The Zhu Wedding; 6.5 Conclusion; References; Part III : Liang Shuming: Joining the Worlds of Thought and Action; Chapter 7: Liang Shuming: A Lifelong Activist

Chapter 8: Confucianism as the Religion for Our Present Time: The Religious Dimension of Confucianism in Liang Shuming's Thought8.1 Confucianism in a Pluralistic Setting; 8.1.1 Liang's Three Cultural Orientations; 8.1.2 Discussion on Pluralism; 8.2 Confucianism as a Substitute to Conventional Religion; 8.2.1 Like a Religion and Not a Religion; 8.2.2 Discussion on Secularization; 8.3 The Spirit of Confucian Rituals; 8.3.1 Rituals Without Rituals; 8.3.2 Discussion About Rituals; 8.4 Confucian Practice in Individual Life; 8.4.1 Liang as Listener of His Inner Self

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